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Rabin smiled. Izzy smiled.
Rabin must have fallen asleep then, because he couldn t remember any more.
54 Jet Mykles
Chapter Six
Beer bottles clinked together in a toast.
 You done well, my brutha, Zane complimented before taking a sip.
Rabin nodded, glancing around the living room that now had furniture. True, a
lot of it was old and ratty, but it was familiar.  Yep. It s a nice place. There s a great
bar down the street too.
 Music? Women?
 Yes and yes. They ve got a stage but don t use it much. The owner seemed
open to it, though. He laughed as he dropped onto the couch.  She s pretty too.
 Oh? Zane perched on the couch s arm.  Do tell.
 Just your type: blonde, busty, and been around the block.
 Sounds perfect. We should go tonight.
Rabin sighed.  Tonight? Oh man, I m beat. Don t you have to turn in the van
tomorrow morning?
 Not due until noon. Zane slid from the arm to the seat, one knee bent so he
could face Rabin.  C mon, this is my first night in Chicago.
Rabin grinned at his friend. Zane had hardly changed in all the time Rabin
had known him. Dirty-blond hair, thick with an insane kink that made it stick out
from his head in tight curls. Even long as it was now, the ringlets kept it around
shoulder length, with the sheer weight of hair making it straight around the part at
the top of his head. Zane thought it made him look like Robert Plant; Rabin
privately thought he looked like a poodle. But Zane had a good face and a big mouth
that smiled a lot. He currently sported a rugged look with a perpetual shadow over
Indigo Knights 1: Squire 55
his square chin. Today his blue eyes were bright and cheerful, a far cry from the
dark and depressed they d been toward the end of last year.
 All right. We ll go. Again they toasted with their beers.  But we both need to
Zane plucked at his open flannel shirt.  Yeah, I m rank. Mind if I go first?
Driving all day& 
 Have at. Then we can go get something to eat.
 It s a plan. Zane used his bottle to point at Rabin as he stood, then took the
bottle with him down the short hall to the bathroom at the end.
Rabin stayed where he was, content to rest after a day of hauling furniture up
three flights of stairs. Not that either he or Zane had much. Zane s futon, the couch,
and the matching chairs were the big-ticket items. Rabin s bed wouldn t arrive until
the next day. Feeling the springs of the old couch, he suddenly missed the bed he d
had at Brent s.
That wasn t the only thing he d miss. Rabin stared at his beer bottle as he
picked at the label. He d miss Izzy. He couldn t believe how rough it had been to
pack the night before, after they d spent a surreal weekend in and out of bed. Izzy
had even gone shopping with him for a new mattress. He still couldn t quite believe
he d slept with a guy. Had a harder time realizing that he really wanted to do it
again. Really. He grinned. He might not believe it, but he certainly liked it. He
glanced toward the bathroom, just able to spy it as Zane closed the door.  And what
would you say to that, buddy? he asked in a low tone. He shook his head. They d
deal with that later. Or never.
A knock sounded at the front door. Thinking it was the friendly guy down the
hall they d met earlier, Rabin answered without checking through the peephole.
Because of that, he was surprised to see Izzy standing in the hall. He must have
just come from school, because he wasn t wearing anything loud or tight. Rather, he
looked almost sedate in a simple dark green T-shirt and jeans, with his dark hair
pulled back in a tail.
56 Jet Mykles
Rabin s grin was instantaneous, his heart thumping up in his throat.  Hey.
Izzy grinned too, holding up a long dish covered in tinfoil.  I brought you
 What? Rabin stepped back as Izzy pushed past him.
 I figured you guys were working hard all day, and I was off today, so I made
you food. Since you wouldn t let me come and help  he threw a glare over his
shoulder as he rounded the counter that separated the kitchen from the living
area  this was the best I could do. He looked out over the spacious living room.
 Oh hey, nice place.
 Thanks. Rabin glanced toward the bathroom as he approached the counter.
Was he ready for Zane to meet Izzy? Not really, but looked like he wasn t going to
have the choice.  You shouldn t have done this.
Izzy tucked a wayward wisp of hair behind his ear.  Did you eat?
 We were going to go out.
 Now you can save some money.
Rabin narrowed his eyes and couldn t help another glance toward the
 Where s Zane?
 In the shower.
Izzy laughed.  Relax. I m not here to out you. Just the opposite. His grin
turned wicked.  I want to make sure Zane knows me as a friend.
Izzy s eyes went seductive, and the tip of his tongue peeked between his teeth.
 Because then it s not out of the ordinary if we disappear together.
Rabin flushed but had to smile.  You re naughty.
 I am. I know it.
On impulse, Rabin finished his way around the corner and reached up to hook
Izzy s neck.  Come here, you.
Indigo Knights 1: Squire 57
Purring, Izzy melted into a sweet kiss that heated up pretty fast. They d left
things open at the end of the weekend. Rabin knew he probably should have put an
end to it and said as much, but he was reluctant to do so. All morning, he d
rationalized that he d had plenty of female fuck buddies in his life, so why not one
Something banged in the bathroom, and Rabin jumped back.  Shit.
It wasn t the door. Zane must have dropped something.
Izzy laughed, wiping his lips.  Careful. He twisted to turn on the oven.  Are
you sure you haven t been gay all along?
 Who knows? It s never bothered me. Feeling bold, he pressed up against
Izzy s back.  Just never had a golden opportunity with a hot guy like you before.
 Mmm, you probably were oblivious. He patted Rabin s hip.  Not that I mind.
Now go into the other room before we ruin everything.
It was surprisingly hard for Rabin to make himself retreat into the next room,
but Izzy was right.  Why no school?
 One of my instructors had an emergency. He sighed dramatically.  I m going
to practice pastas in that big, empty house all by myself tonight.
Rabin sat on the couch to keep himself from returning to Izzy s side.  You ll be
fine. Brent and Hell will be back tomorrow.
 Yeah. But I kind of enjoyed this weekend. Izzy opened the refrigerator.  Oh [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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