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and asked their child to think of an animal and not tell him. A few moments later that rabbit cloud
just appeared in the sky from nowhere. This is the story that will spread through the festival or park
you are working.
That is why it is very important for you to say to the family, that the cloud just appeared in
the sky out of nowhere. You must act amazed at this. There is some clever psychology behind this
statement. You are not taking credit for making a cloud appear. You are saying a rabbit cloud
magically appeared in the sky and are giving credit to the child for it. The fact that cloud looks like
a rabbit will leave the child in wonderment, and the parents puzzled as to how it happened. They
are not going to burst the child s bubble. In fact in most cases they will play along in a big way.
The mother will say to the child,  I didn t know you could that, you are really special. You just
made that rabbit cloud appear out of nowhere. Wow!
Do not confuse this with cloud sculpting. You haven t sculptured a cloud, rather a small
child has made a cloud resembling an animal appear in the empty sky. That is the way you play it
and that is the way they remember it. I ve had parents come up to me later in the day and thank me
for making their child feel special. They would say they had no idea how I pulled it off, but it made
their child s day. It s not hard to pull off and it s a great experience for the family. Give it a try.
Earlier I said only do this for parents with one child with them. Here s why. If they have a
second child with them, the other child will want to try it. Usually there is only one suitable cloud.
So that means for you guys who do birthday parties on the side, don t use this for the birthday
child. If you do, every child at the party will be yelling,  I want to do it next. Unfortunately you
don t have the ability to turn the sky into Noah s Ark and you will have a bunch of disappointed
and crying kids. Keep it for those special times when you spot a family with one child.
Hey, I Spotted Two Animal Clouds. Can I Do It For Two Children?
You could but I don t recommend it and I m speaking from experience. Sometimes you will
get lucky and spot two clouds that look like different animals. However, don t be tempted to do
both clouds for a family with two children. The first time is pure amazement. The second time is
more of a puzzle to the parents. In my earlier years I tried this for two kids. The first reaction was
always great, but the second time never went as well. That is why you normally don t repeat a trick,
the second time people know what to expect and are not as amazed.
Well suppose there are two clouds that look like animals and the child points it out to you.
He may say,  Look, there is cloud that looks like a duck. Immediately agree with him and say,
 Oh that is Amy s cloud. She is a little girl who made a duck cloud appear earlier. You are
immediately giving credit for that cloud to another child. Since they have just seen their child do it,
it is believable that another child did the other cloud.
This can often work in your favor. When the first child is pointing out the cloud he made, he
will often point to the other cloud and say another little girl made that one. Now people are seeing
two different clouds in the sky and both are being credited to you.
Sometimes I am approached later in the day by a family asking me to do the cloud trick
with their child. Yes, that is the way they often refer to it, the cloud trick. Under these conditions I
don t want to do it for them. There are several reasons, for example they may have looked in the
sky and spotted an animal cloud (the one you may have spotted to use). In which case they would
tell you they saw that cloud beforehand. The second reason is there is no surprise element. They
know what to expect. Finally, there may not be an animal cloud in the sky and you don t want them
to see you looking for one! So how do you handle this situation?
You do a different cloud feat and pass the power on to the child. Remember the clouds that
resemble animals are usually in a sky full of suitable clouds ready to vanish. When the child says he
wants to do the cloud trick, you say,  Ok, but I want to try something even harder with you. Those
other kids made a cloud appear. I want you to make a cloud disappear. It s very hard to do, but I
think you can do it. Want to give it a try?
At this point you point to a cloud that is going to vanish soon. Cloud busting has been
covered elsewhere in this book. Tell the child to stare at that cloud and chant over and over:
Disappear Cloud. As the cloud begins to disappear, give him encouragement. Point out how the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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