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- At the zone wall in the desert
Halls of Honor
This zone is unlocked when you reach level 62 or when you kill Aerin Dar (a raid mob in
Halls of Honor is a good place for traditional grouping, but it is most notable for duoing or
trioing with casters. The tall human guards in the shrines in the southeastern part of the zone
are good experience, though they take a while to kill. They have a chance to drop spectral
Bastion of Thunder
This zone is unlocked when you reach level 62 or when you complete a key quest given by
Askr the Lost in Plane of Storms.
Group experience in Bastion of Thunder is very good, and there are many named mobs
around the zone who can drop high end parchments (including Glyphed Rune Words) and
Ornate molds (which can be used in a Plane of Tranquility quest to make powerful armor).
Sadly, since the release of OoW, this zone has become almost deserted on some servers.
Gates of Discord zones overview:
Gates of Discord zones are accessed via the LDoN camps. First, use any camp s
Magus to teleport to Nedaria s Landing. You can then use the Magus in Nedaria s Landing to
teleport to Abysmal Sea (a no-combat zone with merchants and the like) or Natimbi (the first
of the GoD combat zones). From Natimbi you can zone to Qinimi and progress through to
other zones.
As with PoP zones, many of the Gates of Discord zones are locked and require special
flags to progress. These flags are obtained by completing special instanced zones called
 trials and by defeating certain raid mobs. For the casual player, only a few zones are really
available. Fortunately, these zones are great experience for the level 65+ bards, and there are
both solo and grouping opportunities. Unlike LDoN adventures, Gates of Discord expeditions
can be accessed solo  though fighting in them solo is not always an option. In case you die
in an expedition zone, if your entire group quits the expedition, the corpses will pop outside in
about 20 minutes.
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The experience here is not quite as good as it is in the trial zones, but there are several
named mobs that can drop powerful pieces of equipment. The named in Barindu tend to be
very powerful. Consider bringing two or three exp groups of friends to the zone at once. This
will let you take down the harder named more efficiently.
Also, a very nice ring for INT casters is an ultra rare drop off any mob in the zone. If
you are friends with a wizard, then you might be able to duo near the entrance from Qinimi.
The tactics are pretty simple: you mez the target mob repeatedly while the wizard nukes it.
You can throw in Harmony of Sound now and then during the fight and can help the wizard
regain his mana with Wind of Marr.
The Sewer Trials - Plant, Furnace, Lair, and Pool
These trials are accessed from Barindu. To get into them for exp and item-farming
purposes, find Gamesh near the pyramid-like temple and hail him for a list of choices. These
zone instances are laid out similar to LDoN adventures, except mobs respawn and there s no
time limit. The mobs also hit very, very hard, and some are unslowable. Named mobs will
not appear when you first zone in, but if you continue killing mobs as they respawn, you will
eventually get named to pop. The named can drop excellent pieces of equipment that are on
par with Elemental Planes gear. The experience gained in these zones is also very high.
In case you have a solid group and want to try to complete the trials for flags, you can
talk to High Priest Diru Riwwim in the temple. If you are successful in clearing the trial, then
you must hail the Scribe next to the priest to complete your flagging.
The Mountain Trials - Vxed and Tipt
These trials are also accessed from Barindu. In case you want to get into these zones
(and believe me, you do!), talk to the female Nihil worker who is in the river between the
temple and the pyramid.
The great thing about Vxed is that it makes an excellent kite spot if you like to duo or
trio with casters or rangers. None of the mobs near the entrance of the zone summon, except
for stonemites. To have the most effective kiting run, you ll need to a good initial spawn.
Get an instance of Vxed and zone in. Walk up to the first landing of the path and look at the
two mobs that are waiting there. If either or both of them are stonemites, have everyone quit
the expedition (use alt+z to open the expedition window) and get another instance. Once
neither of the first two mobs is a stonemite, you re in business. Mez one mob and bring the
other down the hill to the flat area at the entrance, and then use Fading Memories. Start
twisting chants on the mob you pulled and run in a circle around that flat area while your
partners snare it, root it, DoT it, etc. The run pattern for kiting without using root is a bit
tricky to get down at first - be careful that you don t get hit, because it s very easy to die to
these mobs. At level 65, these mobs give about 10% AA per solo kill, which translates to
heaping helpings of exp for a small but effective group. Once you pull and kill the other mob
from the initial area, you re free to pull from three paths for as long as you want, or until
enough stonemites spawn in your way to make Fading Memories too expensive to use. In
case that happens, just quit the expedition and start again.
You ll want a powerful, traditional group do Tipt. The mobs in this zone frequently
summon and can hit multiple times for over 1000. Having two healers is recommended. The
named that spawn in Tipt can drop some items that make the effort well worth it, such as an
augmentation that gives 2 HP regen and 2 mana regen.
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Omens of War zones overview: [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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