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him as he undressed for her.
Diana Hunter
Slowly and with a cat-like grace, Phillip unbuttoned his shirt. Button-by-button his
chest was revealed until his smooth skin was bared to her sight. Strong muscles
gleamed in the moonlight as he tossed his shirt to the side and stepped toward her
naked body; he was the predator and Sarah trembled to realize she was the prey.
His eyes never left hers, holding her in his gaze. She tried to look away, but the
slow removal of his clothes mesmerized her. His gracefully long fingers now bent to
unzip his pants. As they fell, Sarah saw he wore nothing underneath only the thin
fabric of his shirt and his pants had been between them all evening long. Naked in the
moonlight, his eyes locked on hers as his cock grew to its wonderful length.
Sarah s breasts rose and fell as her breath quickened. Using all her willpower, she
kept her hands at her sides, even though her fingers cried out to caress that magnificent
shaft of his. She wanted to feel the velvety softness with her hands a softness she had
already experienced with her lips. Opening her mouth now in remembered service, her
tongue crept out to lick along the side as desire coursed through her.
With the graceful stride of a lion, Phillip moved out of the light to stretch beside her
on the bed. He brushed her nipples with the palm of his hand and leaned into her ear,
licking along the edge. She moaned at the pleasure and squirmed.
 Do not move, my slave. She stuck her tongue out at him and lay still. He laughed.
 I think I can find a better use for that tongue. He kissed her then, reminding her that
he d already claimed possession of her mouth. Their tongues entwined and again she
needed every ounce of her willpower to keep her hands to her sides.
Phillip s kisses moved away from her mouth and down her neck, traveling to her
soft, ample breasts. His lips sucked each nipple in turn and Sarah gasped as his tongue
circled and sucked, fondling her breasts as he parted her legs with his knee. Obediently
and eagerly, she spread wide for him. He grinned as he moved in between them.  My,
my, slave. Do you want something? He tugged on her nipple and she moaned in
remembered pain and pleasure.  Answer me, slave. Is there something you want?
 Oh, yes, Master, she breathed.
 What is it? What is it you want, slave? He rolled the nipple hard between his
fingers, causing her to cry out in desire.
 You, Master! I want you. Inside me.
 I have possessed your mouth and your ass, slave. Do you wish me now to possess
your pussy?
She arched her back as his fingers now trailed along her stomach and stopped,
petting the hair covering her mound.  Yes, Master. I want you to take possession of
me all of me.
He smiled and let his fingers continue downward, caressing the wet lips of her
pussy. She wriggled under his touch and he needed to remind her again.  You may not
move, slave. I have commanded it.
For answer she moaned in frustration, but lay still. His finger slid along her clit and
she cried out again, but did not move. Ever so slowly, his slid his finger inside her,
Secret Submission
feeling her warmth and willingness to have him. Sliding his body down the bed, he
dragged a pillow along with him.  Lift your hips, he commanded. When she quickly
complied, he pushed it under her bottom, raising her to a more convenient level.
Now he leaned down and she could feel his breath on her pussy lips. No one had
ever eaten her before ever. She felt his tongue slide over and between her lips and
gasped as it found her clit.
 Oh, Master! I m going to come!
 No, you aren t. Not yet. You will hold it until I say so. Understood? His voice was
muffled by her legs. She didn t know if he saw her nod, but she didn t trust her voice.
Instead she grabbed the sheet under her hands, holding on as if for dear life.
Phillip s tongue licked along her pussy, over her clit, then down again, parting the
lips as they went. He had tasted several women in his life and each one had their own
distinctive scent and taste. Sarah was slightly salty, her musky scent filling his nose as
he flicked his tongue out to lap up a generous portion of her juices. There was no doubt
the woman liked his handling of her. Again that full feeling of satisfaction settled in his
belly as he pushed deeper with his tongue.
Sarah felt his tongue enter her, possessing her the way he d possessed every other
part of her. Her breasts heaving, she held back tears as she tried desperately not to
And then he was leaning over her.  Are you ready for me, slave?
 Yes, Master. Please! She ended on a scream as he thrust into her, possessing her
body with his cock. He pulled out his entire length and pushed into her again. She [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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