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shouting. He kissed her forehead.  And I will do my best to behave myself.
* * * * *
Cruz showered and dressed first, needing to be ready out front to greet his guests.
 Take your time, cara, he told her.  No rush. Look for me at the entrance to the
tent when you re ready.
Shea took him at his word, soaking in the tub, then washing her hair and carefully
blow-drying it. Tonight she left it long and loose, a riot of dark blonde curls around her
face. She took extra pains with her makeup and sprayed herself from a new bottle of
expensive cologne. Finally she dressed in the outfit she d brought a long printed skirt
that swirled around her ankles and a white peasant blouse that she wore off the
She d had no idea what other women would be wearing and Cruz had been
absolutely no help. She d finally decided to dress for the environment and hope she
wasn t laughed out of the place. Stepping into the sandals next to the dresser, she took a
final look at herself in the mirror, fluffed her hair one more time and headed through
the house for the backyard.
She estimated at least two hundred people milling around, some standing, some
sitting, talking, drinking. She could hear the band in the tent playing Latin American
music and wondered if anyone was dancing this early. She quickly checked what the
guests were wearing. The men could have been in uniform pressed slacks, western-
style shirts, some with jackets, some without. The women wore everything from glittery
cocktail dresses to peasant outfits like hers. She breathed a tiny sigh of relief.
Just Say Yes
Cruz stood at the tent shaking hands, directing people to the bars, nodding and
smiling. He definitely had his game face on. As if sensing her there he looked up from
his conversation, smiled at her and motioned her over to him. She picked her way
carefully through the crowds, aware of the curious stares of people as she passed. When
she reached Cruz s side he slid an arm around her drawing her close to him.
 Shea, this is Anne and Fernando Mesos. Fernando and I are longtime business
associates. He tightened his hold a bit.  May I present Shea Prescott.
Anne s eyes opened wide.  The architect? I saw the work you did designing the
new library wing. Excellent. Simply excellent.
Cruz shifted his gaze to her.  Did I not tell you? The library wing has pushed you
to the forefront of the area architects.
 Thank you very much for the compliment. She shook hands with the couple.  It s
a pleasure meeting you.
Anne eyed her speculatively but before she could make a comment, Cruz took
Shea s hand and led her to a place at the side of the yard where one of the bars had been
set up.
 A glass of white wine for the lady, he told the bartender, then handed the goblet
to Shea.
 I don t think I should drink much tonight, she told him.  I d hate your friends
and associates to see me fall on my nose.
 Don t worry. He brushed a light kiss on one cheek.  I ll keep a tight watch on
Dinner was a blur. Shea tried to remember the names of everyone she was
introduced to and her cheeks were stiff from smiling but she knew she more than held
her own. She could see the unasked questions in the eyes of Cruz s friends but they
were all too polite to question her. Especially with Cruz keeping a sharp eye on her at
all times. He was up and down from his chair, circulating, shaking hands, checking on
people. Yet she knew he was aware of her every single moment.
Desiree Holt
At last the remnants of the meal were cleared away, waiters served after-dinner
drinks and people moved to the dance floor. Shea was sitting at a now-empty table,
sipping the cognac she d chosen, when she felt warm breath at her ear and heard Cruz s
voice saying,  I believe this dance is mine.
She turned her head to look at him and smiled.  Are you off-duty?
 At least for the moment. He held out his hand.  Come. Let s enjoy the music.
The tune was slow and sexy. Cruz led her to one corner of the dance floor, in the
shadows of the lights strung in the tent and pulled her body against his. One arm
wrapped around her while the other took her hand and pressed it against his heart.
 Feel that, cara? It s my heart beating for you. He curled his fingers around hers.
 You smile. You think I m making all this up?
 I think you have the smoothest line of any man I ve ever met, she told him, letting
her body sway with his.  I just can t figure out if you ve used it for so long you have it
memorized or if you created this one just for me.
He put his mouth close to her ear.  No line, Shea. Not for you. I mean every word I
say. In bed and out.
They barely moved, standing in the shadowy corner. His swollen cock pressed so
hard against her through their clothing she thought for a moment it might break free
from the force of the blood pulsing through it. Her nipples had hardened to the point of
aching and the inner flesh of her thighs was damp with the liquid dripping from her
cunt. She couldn t ever remember wanting a man as much as she wanted this one. She
was afraid her desire had replaced her common sense. Yet when he whispered,  Just
say yes, she found herself unable to refuse him.
The sultry night air, the colored lights and the sensuous music all combined to
weave a magic spell around them. She was hardly aware of the other couples, some
dancing, some just sitting and drinking.
Just Say Yes
She wanted to believe she wasn t just the next body on his list. But even if she was,
she was going to hoard every memory she could. And she d create designs for him that
would impress all his friends.
 I feel your mind wandering, cara.
She laughed.  How can you feel someone s mind? she teased.
 It echoes through your body. He kissed her temple.  I must see to my guests but I
will be finished shortly. He lowered his voice.  I will hurry them on their way.
 Be a good host. She brushed her fingers against his cheek.
 Come with me to say goodbye. He took her hand.  You have made a great
impression on everyone tonight. Give them a last look at what belongs to me.
Belongs to him? Belongs?
But he was already tugging her toward the path to the gate where people were
heading for their cars. So she stood with him and smiled and shook hands until the last
straggler had driven away. Then he swept her up in his arms, kissing her so thoroughly
it took her breath away.
 Now, mi amor, the rest of the night belongs to us. And tomorrow we will have that
discussion you are so intent on so you can begin to design the plans. I know you will
create something spectacular.
Desiree Holt
Chapter Five
If they gave medals for kissing, Shea thought, this man would take the gold. His
tongue swept in, tasting every inch of her, pressing against the roof of her mouth,
running his tongue over her teeth then plunging it deep, deep, deep. He shifted the
angle of his head to go even deeper, then dragged his tongue out and licked a pattern
around her lips. By the time he moved to other parts of her body, she felt as slick and
heavy as molten nickels.
Cruz s hands were warm on her breasts, squeezing them gently, licking the nipples
and grazing his teeth across them.
 So beautiful, he told her in a thick voice.  So gorgeous. A man could feast on
these forever.
Every touch sent spikes of electricity through her, straight to her throbbing pussy.
His tongue flicked and retreated, teasing her nipples into an even more distended state.
Shea moaned, a low sound in her throat and shifted her body beneath his, trying to urge
him to more aggressive activity.
 Don t rush me, he murmured in a hoarse voice.  I want to take my time so I don t
miss one inch of this magnificent body.
And that was exactly what he did. If anyone had ever told her that her elbows and [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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