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Cenn s diary, filled the space between the two books.
 Still looking for layers? she asked. She moved around the desk to stand behind him, a hand on each
of his shoulders. She leaned over to look at the writings and her chilled nipples kissed the warm skin of
his bare back.
Kean shook his head, his stubble tickling Aideen s ear. His left hand crept up to hold hers.  No, not
layers. Do you see this? He pointed to a glyph in Etain s diary. She gave him a soft yes and rubbed her
cold nose against his ear.  And here, he asked and pointed to Aideen s own notes.
 Same glyph, Aideen answered with the obvious response.
He pointed to a dozen more glyphs contained both in Etain s diary and Aideen s notes on Cenn s diary.
 Not just the same glyphs, but written in the same hand, Aideen. He turned her left hand until he could
see her palm.  This hand, Aideen.
 I don t write with my left, she responded, her voice flat. She heard an irritated rush of air leave his
body and she kissed his temple.
 You know what I mean. He traced the outline of her scar.  You weren t born with yours& like I was
born with mine.
She shifted against him and tried to extract her hand from his insistent grip.  What are you getting at,
 You ve used the Bloodstone& really used it, Aideen. Haven t you?
His words were a mix of hurt and amazement and she twisted her hand free and paced to the other side
of the room. Wrapping the coverlet more tightly around her, she turned to face him. Half a dozen
responses competed with one another until she was left with nothing to say.
 You used it, he said, his voice taking on a hard edge.  You aren t Etain reborn& you are Etain. Just
admit it, damn it.
She shook her head, denying the truth of what he had said.  It isn t possible, she started in a rough
stutter.  What I thought I saw 
 Don t go on about the mold again, he warned.  You ve been denying what you are, who you are, for
over a decade.
Aideen gave a strangled laugh and crossed to stand in front of the desk. She flipped Etain s diary shut
with a sharp flick of her wrist.  Why not? she asked, her voice raw with accusation.  I really wasn t
anyone until this weekend 
Kean buried his face in his hands and his voice took on a gentling tone.  Aideen, I just need to
understand the stone, to understand your connection with it&  He left the sentence unfinished as he
raised his head to look at her. The stormy gray eyes threatened to spill rain and she had to avert her
gaze from the raw pain she saw.
 Sunday, I didn t believe in reincarnation or time travel, she began.  I sold trinkets and artifacts to
those who did believe but I never did!
Kean rose from his chair and came around the desk to kneel in front of her. He turned the banker s
lamp until its light was tilted down at her stomach and then he pushed the coverlet away. His finger
traced scars along the sides of her stomach nearly invisible to the eye, so faint were they that Aideen
hadn t noticed the white lines of stretched flesh on the paler skin of her stomach.
 Etain had no beginning, Kean pressed.  And her end was a mystery she vanished minutes after
giving birth to Cenn s daughter.
 How can nine months fit into one night?
Kean didn t answer, just placed his lips against one of the stretch marks. Aideen couldn t see his face
but she felt the slide of a warm tear over her stomach. She had unwittingly betrayed him again by
bearing another man s child, even if that child s existence was the key to his own. She knotted her
fingers through his hair and bent down to kiss the crown of his head. She whispered her apology
against the thick curls.
 No, he said and lifted his head to stare into her unblinking green gaze.  It has all happened as it had
to happen. As you said, both diaries existed to get us to this point. He tilted his head to one side and
studied her for a few seconds before continuing.  Did you love him?
Aideen blinked once, a tear escaping to stain her pale cheek.  Yes.
 And he loved you, he said, not questioning his predecessor s feelings. He paused, his grip around her
waist tightening.  And I love you. I ve never known a moment of your existence when I didn t love
you, he confessed.  Do you believe that we are the same, he and I?
 I&  Aideen turned away, more tears spilling from her. She wanted to respond in kind but confusion
strangled the words before she could speak them. She looked at the clock. Less than twenty-four hours
had passed since she d first met him. And if what they both believed were true, in the course of a night,
she had fallen in love with Cenn, lost him, and been plucked from her newborn child with only a few [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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