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bloomed on both their faces.  Good morning, sweetheart. Did you
sleep well?
 Good morning, Mitch. Very much. I don t think I ve ever slept
as well as I do when I have you near me. You?
 Excellent, actually. You have a wonderful imagination, by the
way. So detailed and thorough. I could spend days in your places.
What do you call them, in general?  Happy Places ?
Miranda snorted at Mitch.  Well, it s more of just an image in my
mind than a label. Since we re actually talking about it now, though,
122 Meagan Hill
we should probably come up with a name so we at least know what
we re talking about. What do you think?
 Well,  My Personal Heaven is no better than  Happy Place as
far as length goes, not to mention the possible innuendo others could
perceive. We could do  Heaven ,  Nirvana ,  Utopia & 
 No, can t do  Heaven or  Nirvana . Those could be confusing
because we might actually have a conversation referring to the real
thing. I kind of like  Utopia . It stands for an  ideal place and life ,
 You re absolutely correct. I like that, too. Shall we go with that?
 Sure. Sounds good to me. So, since we re not supposed to
engage in any lovemaking this morning, I would suggest we get the
hell up and out of here before I can t take anymore. Miranda leaned
in for a quick peck on the lips before leaping out of bed and hurrying
for the bathroom. Mitch chuckled behind her, delighted he wasn t the
only one suffering through their self-imposed restrictions. He heard
the shower turn on and moaned loudly at the image of Miranda wet
and slick with soap. Unable to help himself at this point, Mitch
quickly left their bed and made his way quietly into the bathroom and
up to the shower.
 Mitch? What are you doing? Miranda drawled when he
appeared. He loved it when she drawled her words. She d been in
Texas long enough to pick up on the twang.
 Well, I thought I d join you. Just because we can t have
intercourse doesn t mean we can t have some fun.
 Hmmmm, sounds very tempting. Are you sure you can keep
from slamming it into me? Miranda was appeared to be having a
blast teasing Mitch, who moaned loudly before jerking the door open
and stepping under the spray. He pulled the door shut behind him with
a quiet click. His eyes blazed with passion.
 Yes, despite my astoundingly strong need to be inside you, I
think I can refrain. I didn t get to be one hundred and sixty-eight,
much less a Master, without learning some self-discipline, though
Master Me 123
you re sorely testing it, Miranda. His hands had begun to wander
over her slick flesh while he spoke, beginning his worship of her.
Mitch lightly grasped Miranda s shoulders and maneuvered them so
she stood under the spray, wetting her golden hair. Once she was
sufficiently wet, he moved her head out of the spray, keeping her
body in the stream so she didn t catch a chill. Charleston could still be
a bit cool during March. Mitch picked up her shampoo, pouring a
dollop into his palm before returning the bottle to its place. He then
proceeded to wash Miranda s hair for her, gently massaging her scalp
and running his thick fingers through her long locks. A purr began to
sound from deep in her throat as she leaned forward into Mitch s
body, bracing her forehead against his strong chest. I love you, Mitch.
And I love how you love me. You make me feel so cherished.
 I love you, too, Miranda. I want to cherish you every day for the
rest of our lives, Mitch murmured back to her, massaging her neck
where some of the tension from the preceding day still lingered.
Suddenly, Miranda stood straight up with a gasp, staring into Mitch s
eyes.  What s the matter, baby?
 You answered me.
 Um, yes, I normally do. Why is that odd?
 No, you don t understand. I didn t speak that out loud. My mouth
never opened. Mitch stood there silently, trying to understand what
she was saying.  Mitch, look at me. Mitch raised his eyes to hers.
 Watch me closely. Can you hear what I m saying? Mitch s mouth
dropped open in shock. Miranda hadn t spoken aloud. Her mouth
hadn t moved at all.
 How are you doing that? he whispered, the faint volume the
best he could do at the moment.
 Try saying it to me in your mind, she thought at him again.
 Okay, is this working, or can I only hear you?
 I can hear you, too, baby. I don t think I m getting all your
thoughts, just the ones you  speak to me. You?
124 Meagan Hill
 I m getting what you re saying, but no stray or background stuff,
like I normally have going on in my head. That s good. Full access to
my brain would be fucking intrusive!
Miranda laughed and nodded.  No shit! This is cool! I wonder if
it s just between us, or if we re fully telepathic, or just one of us is
 You re right, this is kind of cool. I guess it could be either way.
But one thing, I want to hear your voice while we make love. I love
your noises. That okay with you? Miranda nodded her agreement.  I
guess we ll have to go downstairs to figure it out. Mitch paused as
they both considered their current circumstances.  Now, do you want
to finish what we started here or wait?
 Hmmm, I can tell you want to finish what we started, she
responded, glancing down at his still-hard cock. Mitch just shrugged.
The response was clearly,  Yeah, I m a guy. Of course I want to come [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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