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covering her face as she cried quietly.
Simone moved up closer to Hailey and
wrapped her arms around her. She rubbed her
back soothingly as she held Hailey and waited
for the storm to burst. It didn't take long.
Hailey buried her face against Simone's chest
and bawled her eyes out. Simone gave a sigh of
relief as she began to make sobbing sounds.
She didn't want Hailey to lock away her
emotions anymore. Simone had a feeling she
had been doing that for way too long as it was.
She just let Hailey cry out her pain, as she
made soothing noises, not saying anything or
doing anything but hold her. It took a long
time, but eventually she cried herself out.
 Are you okay, Hailey? Simone asked
trying to keep her own tears at bay. The last
thing Hailey needed was to see Simone cry
with sympathy for the other woman's pain.
Hailey raised her red eyes, opened then
closed her mouth and gave Simone a nod.
Simone gave Hailey a pat on the shoulder,
walked over to the desk picked up the phone
and ordered a bottle of scotch and cola, as well
as a jug of water. There was a quiet knock on
the door a minute later. Connor bought Simone
what she wanted, then left again closing the
door behind him, without once speaking or
looking at Hailey.
 Do you want to talk about it, Hailey?
Simone asked as she poured two double
scotches and added some cola.
 No. I'm okay, Hailey rasped out.
 I'm sorry for crying all over you.
 Hey, you don't need to apologize,
that's what friends are for. Come on girlfriend,
drink up, Simone stated as she downed her
drink quickly.
Hailey did the same and came up
coughing and spluttering. Simone laughed at
her then poured two more drinks.  I suggest
you sip that one, if you're not used to
 So, where are you living? Simone
 Oh, I found a bungalow attached to
the back of a house. It's great, not too
expensive and it came fully furnished.
 Oh, well that's good. Who's in the
 I have no idea. I haven't seen anyone
or met the owners yet.
 Why not?
 Uh, I'm not much of a people
person, Hailey replied.
 For someone who doesn't like people
much, you're doing a fantastic job with the bar.
Connor sings your praises all the time. He says
you work your ass off, Simone stated with a
 Well, at least I can do something
right, Hailey muttered.
 Hey, don't put yourself down. You're
a wonderful person and my gawd, you should
see all the men drooling over you as you work.
They can't keep their eyes off of you, Simone
 They can't? Hailey asked fearfully.
 Hailey, no one here would ever hurt
you honey. What happened to you Hailey?
Simone asked with a frown.
 Um, Hailey said and shrugged her
 Drink up girlfriend. I'm beating you,
Simone said with a grin as she stood and made
her way over to the desk where she had left the
alcohol. She brought it back with her and put it
on the little table next to the sofa and potted
Simone didn't talk much, she just sat
companionably with Hailey, keeping her
company as she Hailey downed another drink.
 You know, I really like men, but I
don't like them to come near me, Hailey
 Why not? Simone asked lightly.
 'Cause they're too strong.
 Well, I suppose so, but that can be
good if you need them to help you, Simone
 Help. No one's ever wanted to help
me. You know, I thought I was going to have a
good life when I got adopted, when I was ten.
Ha, what a laugh, Hailey said then hiccupped
into her glass.
 I love that my husbands are so strong.
They help me out all the time. They won't even
let me carry the groceries in after we go
shopping, Simone stated with a dreamy smile
on her face.
 Oh, that's nice, Hailey slurred.
 My adoptive parents used me like a
maid from the first day. Don't get me wrong, I
didn't mind working to keep a roof over my
head and all. It was way better than the
orphanage. But I couldn't stay when my
adoptive brother raped me. It doesn't matter
where I go, he always seems to find me. He's
such a monster. He leaves messages for me on
my car, when he can't find where I'm hiding.
He scares me. The last message said if he can't
have me, then no one else can either, Hailey
stated with a shrug of her shoulders.  He'll find
me again. and then I'm gonna have to leave the
first home I've had in over two years.
Hailey started laughing hysterically,
soon her laugh turned to sobs. Simone wrapped
her arms around Hailey and gently took the
glass from her hand.
 I grew up in an orphanage too, Hailey.
I can understand why you wanted to get out,
Simone sympathized.  Don't you dare run,
girlfriend. The men of this town are strong. I
can get my men to get word out to look after
 No. Don't want anyone else to get
hurt, Hailey slurred as her eyes drooped [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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