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 That man, Maya said with a shake of her head.
Jake laughed.  Yeah, I know.
This time, Maya joined him in the laughter, and he leaned against her.  I m glad you re here, he
said softly.  I m happy you didn t stay away for too long.
Maya turned so she could kiss his jaw.  I can t stay away from you, Jake, and I think that s the
Jake lowered his head and kissed her softly. She moaned into him, and Jake had to pull back
before he did something stupid like strip down her pants and eat her out in the kitchen. While that
would have been a damn good breakfast, he didn t want to do anything without talking with Border
first. The three of them needed to work out what the hell they were doing before they let sex cloud
their minds more than it already had.
Maya pulled back and licked her lips.  You sure can kiss, Jake Gallagher.
He grinned.  You re not too bad yourself.
Maya moved to the other side of the kitchen, putting distance between them, and Jake was glad
for it. From the way her chest moved as she breathed deeply, he wasn t the only one affected by
whatever was going on between the three of them.
 So, yeah, sorry for blurting out all of that over the phone last night, Maya said after a moment.
 I didn t mean to make things difficult for the two of you.
Jake shook his head.  Don t be sorry. If anything, it made things& easier for Border and me once
you hung up.
Maya s brows rose, and she grinned at him.  Oh, really? What happened last night?
Jake shook his head.  Nothing.
Maya just stared at him.
 I mean nothing in terms of sex. We didn t even touch each other s dicks. I promise.
Maya chuckled.  Poor Border, because your dick is sure nice to touch.
Jake winked and ran a hand over his now very hard cock.  Why thank you kindly. He shook his
head.  We kissed, but you just saw him kiss me like two minutes ago, so that wasn t new.
 Not new, but sure as hell hot. Maya shrugged.  I d probably be jealous of you with another
person, but this is Border, you know? She shook her head.  We ll talk about that tonight after I try to
formulate my thoughts.
 Sounds like a plan. So, yeah, Border and I only kissed. Oh, and I gave him a massage since his
neck and shoulder were hurting him, but other than his shirt being off for that, we didn t do anything.
And we only had two shots of tequila so we didn t do anything stupid.
Maya smiled at him.  You always think so much, Jake.
 Well, you think just as much as I do, so I don t know why you re saying that.
 True. She paused.  Remember the time we used cotton candy as our chaser with the tequila?
Jake laughed.  You used cotton candy. Not me.
Maya snorted.  Uh, no honey. You let that candy melt on your tongue after the shot just like I did.
And, if I recall correctly, you said it was damn good. You liked it. A lot. And then we watched
Youtube videos of Adele singing Spice Girls and ended with One Direction videos.
Jake pressed his lips together to keep from laughing.  Liar, he lied.
Maya moved to him and pressed her finger into his chest.  You liked it, Jake Gallagher. And you
totally sang with me and Adele. You told me what you want, what you really, really want.
Jake just shook his head before leaning down to kiss her softly.  That s just between us,
She leaned back and grinned.  I think Border would like to hear that story.
Jake swatted her ass, and as she gasped, they both froze.  This is going to get confusing.
Maya just smiled softly.  It s always been confusing. We ve merely been ignoring it.
 I, uh& I should get to work, he said after a moment, his voice deep.
 Yeah, me, too. She cupped his face.  Tonight?
Jake nodded.  Tonight.
He didn t know if tonight meant talking or something more, but it meant something. And he was
sure that no matter what happened, things were going to change.
 So, you ever going to tell us what s going on in that head of yours? Graham asked once he d
settled down on the couch next to Jake.
After Jake had shown Maya out of his house, he d forced himself to put all thoughts of what
could be and what would happen that night out of his head so he could work. He d have thought it
would be hard to focus, but instead, it was almost as if everything going on in his mind helped his
creativity. He was an artist who worked with his hands, but he needed his mind and heart in order to
Apparently, having Border and Maya on his mind, even in the background, helped him. He didn t
quite know what that would mean, but he liked it.
After he d done some of his best work to date, he d cleaned up and headed over to his eldest
brother Graham s home. While the Gallaghers weren t as vast as the Montgomerys, they were still a
decently sized crew. His parents had somehow raised four sons to be independent and creative in
their own ways even with all the hell that Murphy had gone through growing up with the treatments
and surgeries.
 You going to answer? Or are you going to sit there and stare blankly at the TV while it s on mute
before the game starts?
Jake shook himself out of his thoughts and turned to Graham.  What?
His brother snorted.  Dude, your mind is gone. What is going on?
 Yeah, you ve been in a funk for a while now, Owen said as he came into the room, four beers
in his hands. He held out two by the necks toward Graham and Jake, who took them from him.
 And it can t just be about Holly, Murphy added in. He held four boxes of pizza and a couple of
containers of wings. He set them down on the coffee table and slid the bag on his wrist that held the
paper plates and napkins off.
 It s not just Holly, Jake said absently, staring at the food.  I don t know if we have enough food
here, guys, he added dryly.
Murphy shrugged.  I figured Graham could have leftovers. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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