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Shane felt pressure build in his gut as he watched her turn her well-defined yet feminine back to him.
No matter which angle he faced, she was just as appealing. He beelined for the liquor cabinet and
poured himself a double, downing it in one gulp. Please give me strength, he thought before walking
to the door and opening it for her.
 Which show are we going to see?
 I don t know. Your little sister is the one who purchased the tickets. She told me to hold onto them
since they wouldn t fit in her purse, but I haven t had a chance to look yet, Shane replied as he
grabbed the envelope from his pocket and walked by her side to the elevators.
 You were putting a lot of trust in her.
 She wouldn t stop pestering me until I caved in. I d rather be playing a bit of blackjack than
attending what I m sure will be a girlie show.
 Oh, have some faith. Rachel has great taste.
It wasn t Rachel s taste in shows that had Shane on edge  it was his fear of not being able to keep
his hands to himself. As Lia walked ahead of him, the sway of her hips caught his eye. She had just
the right amount of curves for a man to grab hold of while he thrust deep inside her heat.
His imagination took over as he pictured peeling off her tight dress and revealing those beautiful
curves to full view. So hypnotized was he by her walk that sweat broke out on his brow. And when
she turned suddenly, it took a moment for him to lift his eyes to her face.
The knowing look she gave him didn t instill confidence. She wanted him  he had no doubt about
that. The only doubt he had at this point was whether or not he should take what she was offering. His
resistance could last only so long.
As Shane and Lia were being escorted to their seats, excitement was building inside her. He d been
glancing her way repeatedly from the moment she d stepped out of her bedroom, and the car ride had
been filled with enough heat to melt the Arctic Circle. Maybe tonight would finally be their night.
 What in the hell is your sister planning?
 I don t know what you mean. Lia replied as she surveyed the small theater.
 Well, for one thing, is that a stripper pole in front of me?
 It looks like one, but it isn t as if I ve ever been to a strip show, so how would I know? she said,
shrugging her shoulders.
She looked around her with growing anticipation. All she knew was that they would be watching a
burlesque show. She and Rachel had gone to a couple of burlesque classes last year, and she d had a
blast. Never had she felt so sexy.
 I had assumed we d be going to something more classy, he snarled.
 All I can tell you is that it s burlesque, Lia defended.
 There s a big freaking X in front of the burlesque word! he snapped.
 Well, maybe it s just really sexy burlesque. Be quiet; people are starting to stare at us.
Shane threw a withering look her way, and everything became clear to her. Lia now knew beyond a
doubt that he was fighting the urge to take her back to his room and finally take her. That s why he
was so upset. But the sexy atmosphere  her clothes  being in Sin City  it all added up to her
getting what she wanted.
The two of them sat back as they waited for the small theater to fill. The venue did surprise Lia a
little; she had expected Rachel to pick one of the Cirque du Soleil shows. Still, Lia was relieved
because the dark room was small and intimate, and Shane s leg was pressing against hers. The stage
was in touching distance, and the waitress had just brought them each a nice large glass of wine.
She wanted to giggle when she realized she was hoping to get Shane drunk so she could take
advantage of him. She wasn t usually so bold, but something about him brought out her hunting
instincts  he was currently in her sights and she wasn t letting him escape.
 I think we should just go, Lia, he murmured as he turned to her and pulled at his collar.
 Quit being such a prude. If you were here with Rafe, you d be drooling over the stripper pole,
hoping and praying that some hot thing was about to come out onstage and get naked.
 I m not with Rafe  I m here with you.
 Is that really so bad, Shane? You know, I took a few burlesque classes not long ago. I will have to
show my moves when we get back to the room. Lia s hand moved to his thigh and she ran her
fingernail from his knee nearly to his groin.
Shane s hand snaked out and stopped her before she reached her prize, but by the way his eyes dilated
Lia s confidence shot through the roof. Tonight was going to be their night  even if she had to drug
the man. He was going to have to get over the fact that she was Rafe s little sister. She wasn t a kid
now  she was all grown up, with very adult needs.
The lights dimmed and the music started as a giant projector screen dropped down in front of the red
velvet curtains hiding the stage, and two sensual women sauntered through a burning X on the video
they were playing.
Wearing only G-string panties, garter belts with fishnet stockings, and minuscule bras, they gazed out
at the crowd through the large screen with take-me expressions on their faces. Oh, this was going to
be so good&
As the video ended and the screen began rising, a sensual music started filling the room from the
strategically placed speakers, the pulse of the music pumping through Lia, making her body hum in [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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