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associations in order to learn.
At what rate do you introduce new signs? This is another area that has no definitive
answer. It depends on the baby. Introduce one or two new signs and see how quickly
he catches on. Usually, once a baby figures out that by making a gesture, he gets
something that he wants, he will start to learn signs more quickly. Just keep repeating
what you teach. Like words, he will eventually figure it out.
SUCCESS TIP: Don t show or express
disappointment if your baby chooses not to sign
in a particular situation. He may simply not be in
the mood  even if he may have signed in a
similar situation before. Try to motivate him with
a happy face and a few signing repetitions. If
nothing happens, there is always tomorrow
Look for Signing Opportunities Your Baby Creates.
Another way (and the best way) to teach your baby a new sign is to take the lead from
him. Yes, your baby will tell you what he wants to learn. How is that possible?
Remember those goals that you established a few paragraphs ago and our advice to
keep them flexible? We made that suggestion because your baby may have a different
signing philosophy than you do. That means that while you are in your backyard
concentrating on teaching him to sign BIRD, he may pick up a book that is lying on the
bench and bring it to you. When that happens, it is a priceless opportunity to teach a
In effect what your baby is saying is,  I m not at all intrigued by that silly bird at the
moment. But I am interested in this book. Can you give me more information about it?
When that happens, you have two choices:
1. You can say to your baby,  Sorry. This is inconsistent with the goals that I have
established for you to reach today.
2. Or you can keep your goals flexible, seize this priceless opportunity and say,
 Oh, a BOOK! (sign) Do you like this BOOK? (sign) I like BOOKS (sign) too.
Would you like me to read you this BOOK? (sign).
(If you didn t select option #2, quit here. You will never teach your baby to sign.).
Be Prepared -and Flexible
To promote baby-driven signing opportunities like the one above, let your child explore.
Be prepared with as many signs as you can ahead of time. If he picks up a diaper, for
example, be ready with the sign for DIAPER CHANGE. If he picks up a shoe, present
him with the sign for SHOE. If he points to the TELEPHONE, your baby is asking for
something or wants to know more about it. Give him more information!
As you can see, it is helpful to know specific signs ahead of time. Keep your Baby
Journal or Illustrated Dictionary handy. (Remember to download and print them.)
Practice signs that are likely to come up and be ready when you are  asked for more
What happens when your baby picks something up and you don t know the sign or don t
have immediate access to a signing dictionary? Don t panic! While it would be a shame
to miss out on a signing opportunity, there will be other chances. Just remember to look
up that sign and be prepared the next time. If the sign that your baby  asks for is not
one of the traditional baby signs, there are links to other complete sign language
dictionaries on the main section of our website. But only introduce your baby to signs
that are relevant to his world.
SUCCESS TIP: It is possible that your baby will
make up a sign or two on his own. If his sign makes
sense to you, you can consider using it. Our
recommendation, however, would be to ignore his
sign and introduce the correct sign, reinforcing it as
much as possible. Your baby will make the transition.
& Then it s back to the basics.
After you have introduced a new sign, remember the Ten Critical Steps you learned in a
previous module. The two most important concepts are: Repetition and Context.
Once your baby masters a new sign, introduce another one. If he  asks for another sign
by looking or pointing at something, show him that sign. If any opportunity presents itself
to teach another sign, go for it. Keep using the signs your baby already knows to keep
them fresh in his mind  but spend more time emphasizing signs that you are just
It s all common sense, really. No one knows your baby like you do. Look to him for
guidance and try not to bombard him with too much information at one time. But even if
you do, you won t hurt him. All that will happen is that it will just take a little longer for
your baby to figure it all out. Think of teaching signs like teaching words. Be natural, as
spontaneous as you can and have a good time!
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