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Zalk gave a nod.  Present the proof.
Lips spread into a wide grin as Vhon turned to face Brenda. She was stunned when
the man stared directly at her. He winked his eyes were identical to Rever s a
gesture she d never expected from a Zorn.
 Did Valho mount you, human? Did he plant his seed inside your body?
Brenda felt her face flame and swore she could feel every male eye in the room on
her while they waited for her to tell them if she had sex with Valho. She shook her head.
 Be clear, Rever s younger brother ordered her.  Speak louder so all may hear.
 No, she said loudly.  He was giving me time to adjust to him but he was killed
before we ever had sex.
Vhon turned around to grin at Zalk.  I state the fact that Volder has no claim on the
human since a bounding to his brother never took place. She was unbound and
therefore free to choose for herself which male to be with.
Volder snarled.  Valho took her with intent from her planet after she agreed to
bound to him. She has admitted that. Bound or not I have the right to her.
Brenda silently pleaded with the older Zorn judge to look at her and see how badly
she wished he d rule that Volder had no claim. That would solve everything. Hope
flared inside her that the nightmare was about to end.
 He has a good point, Hyvin Berrr said quickly.  The bounding was not
Zalk refused to even glance at Brenda, completely ignored her as he seemed to
contemplate the matter for a long minute. He took a deep breath. Brenda held hers, her
heart pounding in her chest.
 The human agreed to bound, the law is clear and I rule Volder has a claim on her.
Slumping with disappointment, Brenda blinked back tears, her hope dashed. It isn t
fair, damn it. Hyvin Berrr looked pissed off but he didn t speak. Brenda looked at Rever
seeing the furious glower he shot at the older judge. Volder was the only one who
appeared pleased with the ruling.
Tempting Rever
Vhon turned his head, staring down the aisle.  Allow them inside, he called out to
the men on the opposite end of it.  My other facts to present are out there.
Brenda had to shift to the left a little to see the door when it opened and wondered
what other plan Rever s younger brother had come up with to try to help them. He was
trying and she prayed whatever else he wanted to introduce into the court proceeding
would make Zalk change his mind.
She watched two more of Rever s relatives come forward, one of them was Ral, the
brother she d met. The other man was almost a replica of Ral and Rever, obviously
another brother. A terrified-looking uniformed Zorn male was being hauled in by Ral
who held the Zorn by his arm and the back of his neck. The other brother was gripping
a highly annoyed Tina by her arm.
 What is the meaning of this? Volder yelled.  This isn t fair if the facts being
spoken come from his blood. They will lie to help him win.
Brenda recognized the uniformed Zorn being pushed forward as one of Rever s
guards from his house when they drew close enough for her to get a good look at him.
Ral forced the guard closer and then stopped him.
Ral looked furious.  You dare accuse me of telling a falsehood? You don t even
know why we are here or what is to be said, Volder. I am Argis Ral, a judge, and my
honor is never in question. Speak of it again and we will fight.
 Enough, Zalk ordered.  Present, Argis Ral. Your honor is not an issue. Proceed.
 Talk, Ral ordered the guard, forcing the Zorn to his knees before Zalk.  Tell him
the truth now.
The petrified guard refused to look at Rever. His mouth opened but nothing came
out. He visibly swallowed hard, muscles working in his throat. His mouth opened
again.  I plead forgiveness, Argis Rever. She teased me until I couldn t resist her. She

 Shut up, you idiot, Tina snapped.
Rever frowned, studying the guard for a long minute before his interest shifted to
Tina. She glared at Rever with her arms crossed over her chest but she was looking a
little paler than usual.
 Don t look at me like that, Tina snapped.  This is your damn fault. You fuck me,
drag me to this backward-ass planet, and the only damn conversations we have are
about how you want to mount me like I m a damn animal. You re the dog, not me. All
you wanted was to fuck me over and over. I m a woman with needs that you didn t
meet. I like talking and we ve got nothing in common.
Rever s eyes narrowed but he didn t say a word. Brenda was thinking up some
words to say. She opened her mouth to tell Tina what a bitch she was but Coto gripped
her shoulder, shaking his head no at her when she looked up at him. She frowned but
closed her mouth, holding still. Her attention returned to the center of the room.
Laurann Dohner
 I confess, the guard on his knees growled.  I allowed the human to mount me.
She took me inside her body and it felt so good I could not bring myself to lift her off
my lap. I spread my seed into her body.
The room went eerie silent. Brenda saw shock on many faces when she glanced
around the room. She wasn t surprised in the least that Tina had screwed the guard. She
looked at Rever to see his reaction. He actually smiled as his gaze met Brenda s. This is
really good news that Tina is a slut judging by Rever s reaction, she thought. Brenda bit her
lip, waiting to see what would happen and hoping that something good was going to
come out of this revelation.
 She broke the bounding agreement first, Ral said softly.  Tell Zalk when you
allowed the human your seed.
The guard was staring at Rever and he looked confused.  It was the first day that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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