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Heather merely nodded.
 The Veil plays by a set of rules from the Middle Ages and hasn t bothered to
change with the times. They still want to control the humans knowledge of us, but the
reality is most people embrace technology, not magic.
Both girls nodded in agreement.
 I think it s time both of you got some sleep. Heather, let me get you your own
 Thanks. Heather followed Mrs. Collins up the stairs.
Jamie walked silently toward her own room and opened the unlocked door. She felt a
hard hand cover her mouth.
 Not one sound, water witch, the familiar voice whispered in her ear.  I can t have
you warning him and ruining my plans.
And he took his hand off her and turned her to face him.
 You! It was the last word she spoke before being knocked unconscious.
Chapter Eleven
Beau arrived home from the hospital to his mother s open arms. It had been two days
since the fire. His mother hadn t come to see him, nor had Jamie, and he found himself
disappointed by their distance.
 Mom, you re crushing me. He pushed against her embrace.
 I m so glad to have you home. His mother finally released him.  How have you
 I ll show you when we get inside.
Once they were inside, Beau peeled back his bandages to reveal he was completely
 Blessed be. She sighed.
 Where s Jamie?
 She checked out. I haven t seen her since& 
 Since I told her to stay away from you.
 You what?
 It was for your own good, Beau. She s not a bad sort, but you can t afford to mingle
with an Atlantian.
He looked at his mother in confusion.
 We talked when she came back here. She s not human. She s from Atlantis.
 As in the city which sank?
 It s still very much there. It rests under Antarctica. Come with me. I ll explain while
I make you some lunch. She led him away to the kitchen. Beau had little choice but to
follow if he wanted to learn what his mother knew about an underwater world and other
stories he d believed fantasy until now.
Jamie s mouth watered. Her captor was careful not to kill her, but he barely kept her
hydrated. The room was kept at a consistent eighty-five degrees with zero moisture. She
turned at a sound in the corridor.
She was surprised to see Amber the barmaid enter her small, confined room.
 Shhh. I m here to help you.
Jamie managed to raise her eyebrows in surprise,  You ll excuse me if I don t
believe you.
 I am. I don t want to see Beau hurt. I just wanted his power, but now I m in league
with an evil Elemental. It s hard to explain. Amber went back to working on the ropes
behind Jamie.
 You were in the burning building that collapsed on Beau? Jamie didn t know how
it became clear to her, but she felt the first pieces of a puzzle fit together.
 You re a fire nymph. It s how you were able to move through the flames. Jamie
rubbed her raw wrists once her arms were free.
 And you saved Beau; that makes you a creature of water.
Jamie wasn t fazed.
 You were under for over fifteen minutes. No human can do that. Amber tiptoed
toward the door and down the burnt-out staircase beyond the door.
 Fine. I m from Atlantis.
Amber whistled.  Fire and water don t mix.
 So I ve heard.
 Did you hear that? Amber came to a dead stop.  He s back.
Jamie heard the sounds of the Elemental. Finally, Chief Ralph Wicks came into
view. He was an Element of Fire and nothing to toy with. Even for a fire nymph. Two
days ago, Jamie thought they were nothing more than legends. They weren t the hit men
of the Veil that the Fae used to keep disobedient citizens in line as Heather thought.
Elementals were real and powerful and apparently played by their own set of rules.
Amber didn t stand a chance against something so strong nor did she.
His hands flamed, and he threw a large fireball at them. Amber caught the fireball
and manipulated it away from them. He drew back his arm and tossed another one, larger
than the first, and instead of aiming for them, the fireball hit the stairs beneath them.
Amber did her best to keep the flames away from Jamie, but it was a losing battle. They
both knew it.
 We are going to fall to the water below. Jamie said.
 Not if I can help it. Amber answered.
 Trust me.
 Sorry. Can t risk it.
 What? Are you crazy!? You can t take your chances with the Chief over there.
Jamie nodded toward their attacker.
 I ll die if I hit that water. Amber was between a rock and a hard place. She took
each fireball that the Chief threw at them, but it was too much for the worn wooden
staircase. They dropped with such sudden force that Jamie almost forgot they were in her
She cried out to Amber,  It ll be okay.
Amber shook her head and nodded upward. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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