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make it almost completely hands free so you can profit and spend your time on more
important stuff.
This comes in particularly handy if you want to build a bunch of monetized
Communities. Imagine having 10-20 massive Communities all bringing you regular
income, and you barely have to touch them.
How do you do it? Outsourcing.
This is a no-brainer. Hire someone for cheap to manage your Communities. While
they can t actually  replace YOU, they can certainly handle 95% of regular tasks.
For example, they can t jump on a Hangout and pretend to be you on video& and you
probably don t want them chatting on your behalf either, but here are some tasks they
can do that will cut your time spent to a bare minimum:
" Have them post fresh, quality content related to the niche on a regular basis.
This can be as simple as them finding good articles around the web, sharing the
link to the Community and adding a simple description so it s not  just a link .
" Schedule Hangouts and post them as events in the Community Event calendar.
" Contact and line up special guests to be on the Hangouts.
" Moderate the Community for quality content, spam, and deviants.
" Find affiliate products to promote and keep track of your  Sponsored Posts .
" Advertise and promote the Communities via the channels mentioned above.
Basically they can do anything that doesn t require a personal presence of you or
doesn t involve executive decisions. Everything else they can handle.
You can hire virtual assistants for very little these days. Assistants from the
Philippines can be found for as little as $1.50/hr USD and will work for you full time 40
hours a week.
Let s do some math here. Let s say you have only one Paid membership Community
with a mere 100 people in it and you are charging $5 a month. This is pretty bare
In that scenario you re raking in a cool $500 a month. If you hired a Filipino assistant
full time, 40 hours a week for $1.50/hr (they can be found on onlinejobs.ph all day
long) then you are spending only $240 a month, which means you are grabbing a
profit of $260 a month for doing almost nothing.
But remember, this guy is working for you 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Can you
imagine how much stuff they can do and how many Communities they can manage
and grow for you with 40 hours a week???
Yea, we are talking about making some SERIOUS cash here folks.
In Conclusion
So in conclusion I just want to say that there is no excuse not to use this stuff to make
money. If you are new to the online money game or just want to pick up another
stream of income, you have everything you need right here in this report.. and even
better, it won t cost you a single dime to start making money with this stuff right away.
It s obvious you purchased this report for a reason. TAKE ACTION right now and
make it worth it. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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