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to kill his mate. I ve seen the man rip the fucking head off an opponent
without breaking a sweat.
Before I left Cascadia I saw a battle. A group of Rogues, my predecessor and
his minions actually, launched an attack on Cade and their father. There were
nine wolves in full prime and they were armed.
Into the story now, Jack leaned back as he relived the memory of that night
eight years before. He took glee in scaring the hell out of Carter with the
very real specter of
Lex Warden.
 Lex waded into the group and began to change. He began to literally rip the
other wolves apart with his bare hands. It was bloody and the screams, my god,
I can still hear them today. The Alpha of this Pack challenged Lex and Lex
reached out and I
shit you not, Carter reached out and pulled his motherfucking head right from
his body and tossed it down at his feet. Covered with blood, he turned to the
remaining wolf who d fallen to his knees, and grinned. That wolf ran and I
never saw or heard of him again.
 Cade and Henri had just watched it all, supremely convinced that Lex would
handle the nine wolves. The guard had helped him a bit you understand, but I
Lex Warden kill six wolves with his bare hands. He never drew a weapon.
Jack stood up and walked around to lean on the corner of his desk.  So you
see, you aren t long for this world without the protection of this Pack. Lex
Warden is the lycan version of the boogey man and you tried to kill his wife.
 Are you threatening me? Carter stood, incensed but sweating profusely and
shaking after hearing the story he d heard rumors of for years.  You have no
idea who you re dealing with! Who I have behind me. Don t push me, Jack. Don t
you dare threaten to kill me. My friends in high places wouldn t like that.
Warren Pellini stepped into the room and nodded once to Jack. He turned his
hazel eyes on Carter.
Lauren Dane
 Warren! Thank god. Did you hear what s happened? These fool Rogues are
threatening to kill me! The girl is still alive. That laptop is still out
there. If there s anything on it we re fucked. Carter slumped back into the
chair and sent a smirk to
Moments later, it dawned on him.  Warren, what are you doing here? Did you
hear of my trouble and come to help? There are ways, you know, for me to get
my power back. Spells the old ones can do. Then I can make the last of my
payments to you.
Those hazel eyes never flickered with a bit of emotion. In a cool voice
Pellini said,  No one is going to perform that spell for you, Carter. Getting
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your power back would only happen if you performed an extraordinary act for
the Pack. And Lex and Cade would be the ones who d make the final decision.
You tried to rip Lex s mate and
Cade s anchor apart. Oh, and now she s a wolf. With incredibly high status and
power to match, and she s guarded twenty-four hours a day.
Warren leaned against the desk and crossed his ankles with faux casualness. He
studied Carter for a few moments.  How far you ve fallen, Carter. Sweating in
my presence like an unranked wolf. Oh wait, you are an unranked wolf. The
laugh that came from his lips was icy.
 Your debt has been discharged. Jack and I have a deal.
Carter stood up.  You ve forgiven my debt? Really? Thank&  Carter s eyes
blanked and the life fell from them as the silver bullet raced through his
Warren pulled an invisible thread from his suit jacket, looked back at Jack
and then nodded to his Enforcer.  Dump it in Cascadia territory. Let it be
known that he had a great deal owed due to gambling debt and now that he had
no real salary from the Pack he had to pay in another way. That should buy us
some time.
 What if they know about the virus?
Warren shrugged.  If they knew about it, they d have sent the Enforcer out
already, don t you think? The Wardens are nothing if not proactive. I m
betting this laptop is either a fantasy or has nothing on it. Didn t you say
there were things built into the program for the lycanthropy virus that would
be impossible to break and if they did, just getting in would trigger
destruction of the information?
 For anyone but the finest hackers, yes. The wolf who fed Carter information
was a good friend of Tommie s and Tommie told him that the program was
unbreakable. The woman is beautiful and strong willed. But she s a florist, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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