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Death, and to dissolve and to bind the power in my hands."
The Initiation of the Mysteries of Antiquity is also an anticipation of
those course of events and conditions, which occur at death? A
mystical death, a philosophical dying, is just as serious and as real, as
the true dying? Yes, it is even considerably more real, because it takes
place with full consciousness."
Alchemy Unveiled Page 85
The Osiris Mysterium
The ancient egyptian Osiris Mysterium refers to the Inner, to the Soul of the Human
Being, and to the course of events and transformations which take place there, and
what determines the secret process of rebirth.
Osiris is the expression of the Soul's human drama? He is the pure human Soul,
descending from the World-Soul (Isis)? He is also a Son of the Sun, like Habal (Abel)
is the Son of Adam-Kadmon.
Every Human Being is, according to the Soul, a part (Ray) of the original Osiris?
However, within the Human Being, Osiris is dead, through the lower Nature (Set-
Typhon), that means, through the evil demon, the animal Soul, which like Cain slew
his brother Abel? He is buried in the shrine of the mummy of the Earth-Body and
thrown into the Nile (River of Life).
But Isis (the Love for the Divine), is seeking, with the help of Anubis (reason), the
parts of the corpse, to collect them and to care for them, that means, to mummify
them? Out of that, the higher Soul (Horus), the new divine Osiris is born, which
conquers the Demon (Seth).
That is how the Osiris-Mythus is the prototype of Initiation for Human Beings, who
endeavour to awaken the eternal within themselves? The Human Being himself must
become an Osiris, who experiences the fate of God upon himself. The Human Being
who descends from the "Father" (Ex Deo nascimur), should produce within himself
the divine "Son"? Human Beings unknowingly carry within them, this Son of God as
an archetype of the Soul, concealed within themselves? However, the eternal should
become alive in them and reveal itself? But, for the time being this God, which is
hidden in the Inner, is being suppressed in Human Beings, through the demonic force
of the earthly Nature (Set-Satan)? This lower, earthly Nature must be conquered and
killed first (in Christo morimur), so that the higher divine Nature can rise up (per
spiritum sanctum reviviscimus).
God (Osiris) is also killed and buried in the Human Being? The Human Being,
however, must have him rise out of the mummy and bring him to resurrection? The
fiery Soul is impalpable, incomprehensible and escapes into the heights of the free
Ether, as soon as the Human Being grasps for her? He must, through the art of
Alchemy, draw out of the Earth's volatile Sulphur of the Philosophers, this pure
elementary Gold-essence of the Alchemist, somehow fix and bind it in a new manner,
through an arcanum of the hermetic arts, so that it, although bound, yet be free and
immortal? This Arcanum is the Mercury of the Philosophers, the mediator between
God and the Human Beings, that is, between Spirit and Body? The Soul is fiery-
volatile; the Mercury is a water-being, half volatile and half fixed? He can take on all
forms of the world, since he is extremely plastic; that is why he is also called Proteus?
But, this Proteus must first be changed and tamed? He must shed his Dragon-Form
and accept his divine Form before he can acquire the Gift of Prophesy.
God (Osiris) is dead and buried in Human Beings? The Human Being must, however,
search for him in the darkness of his earthly being, like Isis (the Love of the Divine)
Alchemy Unveiled Page 86
with the Lamp of Anubis (the Light of Reason) searches at night for the corpse of
Osiris, until she finally finds him in the waters of the Nile, that means, in the magic
fluid, whose Life's Stream flows through and enlivens the whole earthly Nature
(Egypt)? However, Seth dissected the corpse (the Nature of his Being) of Osiris into
14 parts, that is, into 7 active and passive spiritual-psychic potencies, as the ancient
Sages of Egypt depicted them in their Hieroglyphs.
Isis (the divine Love) gathers and unties these parts and protects them with mummy-
bandages of the preserving magic energies of her female principle, against
Eventually, Isis will be impregnated from the brought-to-life-again Osiris Mummy,
and bears Horus, the new Osiris, God's Son, who can now say this about himself:
"I am Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow;
I am Geb - Osiris - Horus!"
That means: I am the eternal and unchangeable One, which was, is and will be.
Osiris was resurrected in the Son? The Son took on the form of the Father.
Geb is the egyptian God of the Earth (Saturn), that means, the God which is buried in
the earthly body, the Father of Osiris, the Osiris of Yesterday? Osiris himself is the
out-of-Shrine, out-of-the-Mummy liberated, but in the water-dissolved Soul, the
midnight sun of the Underworld in her course through the descending arc of the
spiritual zodiac, wherefore the egyptian Priests whispered into the ears of Mystics [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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