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 Well, yeah. And that s fine, Stuart. Hell, it s what we agreed
Our eyes locked for a moment, then he started laughing.
 Well, I guess that answers all my questions.
He tapped his hands on the arms of the chair, and I waited for
him to do something. But, the tension got to be too much and it
forced me to stand up.
 I m sorry about that morning, Stuart. I really am.
He eased out of the chair and walked to me, stopping an inch
too close. He smelled so good, I could barely stand it.
 I was wrong. I have another question.
 If you really think I don t have any feelings for you, then why
are you apologizing for walking out on me?
The question threw me a bit, but I tried to recover quickly.
 Uh, force of habit, I guess.
 Well, I guess that covers everything. He smiled at me and
took a step back.
I tried to lighten the mood, as I had no idea where the
conversation would go next.  So, now would be when you d have
slammed the door in my face?
 Pretty much.
 Good to know. It s convenient you were in town. All you have
to do now is drive back to Sid s. I suppose I should thank you for
saving me the cross country trip.
He chuckled at me before he said,  Oh, I think you ll still want
to make the trip to San Francisco.
 I m sorry. I m getting ahead of myself. He closed the
distance between us and wrapped me in his arms.  I have one more
question for you, Rory.
His mouth dropped to my neck, making my first word come
with a moan.
 What s that?
After a few more kisses, he pulled back and smiled.  Well, I
was wondering if you weren t too busy, if you d like to come to
San Francisco with me.
 Need that taste tester after all?
He leaned his forehead against mine and laughed.  I wouldn t
say no. But, actually, I was hoping you d like to be a little more
than that.
 What did you have in mind?
 God, you really don t see what s right in front of you, do
 I guess not.
 Fine. Rory Driskell, I ll spell it out for you. I m crazy about
you and I have been since that kiss in the parking lot. Come to
California because I m tired of not having you in my life.
I was silent for a while, my tongue temporarily paralyzed.
 Are you serious?
 Absolutely. Why wouldn t I be?
 It s kind of a big deal. I mean, we don t know each other very
 So, is that a no?
I shook my head, trying to get a handle on the situation. It was
exactly what I wanted, but now all I could think about was the
potential for complete disaster.
 No, I mean, I m not saying no to you. I want to make sure
you ve thought this through.
 Of course, I have.
 It s just if I come with you, you re home, but I m three
thousand miles away from my safety net.
Stuart laughed, once again pulling me close.  Wow, you
haven t even left the state and you re already planning our demise.
Damn, you re pessimistic.
 I like to think of it as practical.
 Well, if that s the way you feel, maybe you need some time to
think about it.
It seemed like sound logic and, under the circumstances, I
needed a moment to catch my breath. I d thought if he asked me, I
wouldn t hesitate to say yes. My conflicted brain was getting a bit
tiresome to deal with.
 Yeah, maybe I do.
He took a step back and folded his arms across his chest.
 Okay, while you think, I m going to take off my clothes.
At first I thought he was joking, until I saw his T-shirt fly
across the room, landing softly near the door.
 That s not fair, Stuart.
 Why not?
 Because it s distracting.
 Sorry. I ll stop in a second, as soon as I get these pesky pants
He was trying to contain his laughter as he tossed aside his
shoes, socks and jeans. I let my eyes wander over him, his thumbs
hooked in the waistband of his boxers. My breath caught as the
cotton slid down his thighs. The sight of his naked body knocked
every other thought out of my head.
 How am I supposed to think now?
 You re not. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to him.
He kissed me and reached down for the hem of my shirt. Our
lips parted long enough to get rid of it. I hadn t bothered tying the
drawstring of my shorts and he shucked them down my legs with
little effort.
 Wow, no underwear, Rory. That s unexpected.
 I didn t bother when I got out of the shower. I wasn t exactly
expecting company. Except the pizza guy.
 I ve met him. He s not really your type.
 How do you know that?
 Call it a hunch.
He kissed me, and it felt so good.
 Speaking of pizza, it s getting cold, you know. Maybe we
should eat first, I said.
 You ve got to be kidding me?
 Of course I am, Stuart. Cold pizza is the best kind.
I shoved him down on the bed and enjoyed the look of shock
that spread across his face.
 Wow, Rory, you re full of surprises tonight, aren t you?
I smiled as I crawled over him.  Shut up and kiss me.
As our tongues twined together, I wrapped my hand around his
dick, feeling the swell of excitement in my palm. As I slid my hand
down, his tongue dove even deeper into my mouth, his groans
muffled. I started kissing my way down his chest, pausing to tease
one nipple, then the other. His encouraging hands eased me lower
and lower, until I let my tongue swipe over the head of his swollen
He twitched and jerked as I swept my tongue over the ridge
under the head of his cock. I closed my mouth around him and slid
my way down. I could feel the blood racing under the skin, his
veins pulsing as I sucked him off. His hands were in my hair, still
wet from the shower. I could hear his moans getting louder, the
sounds of his excitement making me crazy. If he d let me, I could [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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