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out what I d done wrong, but I couldn t.
She exhaled a shaky breath.  You wouldn t return my calls. You wouldn t give me an answer to why.
I thought you found someone else and decided you no longer wanted to be with me.
She looked away from him.  Keirra talked to Emily, and when Emily told her that you weren t
involved with anyone else, it hurt. I thought it was me, and it hurt to think that you just didn t want
to be with me.
Tears came to her eyes as her words reopened the pain. She tried to blink them back.  It took me a
long time to recover, Randy, and as we sit here, I m not sure that I have. It took me a long time to
get back the joy that I felt when I was with you. I don t want to lose that joy again. Even if it means
that I can never be with you again.
The pain that she saw on Randy s face matched what she felt. The words she spoke were true. She
couldn t allow Randy to hurt her the way he did when he broke up with her the first time. She had
to protect herself this time. It would hurt not to be with Randy, but it would hurt a lot more if she
allowed him back into her life and he decided to push her out of his life again. It was a risk she
couldn t take.
* * * *
 Grandma, Grandpa!
Kristen stepped forward to embrace her grandparents. She had been looking forward to their arrival
all morning. Each of them hugged her before stepping inside the house and embracing Kayla and
Keirra. A quick look outside showed her grandparents had parked their RV in the driveway and not
on the lawn like Keirra had suggested they would. She gave Keirra a smug look, and Keirra smiled
when she stepped forward to greet their grandparents.
 We are so glad you could make it.
Kristen went and stood by Randy and Wade. Wade held his arms up to her, and she picked him up
and loved the feel of him in her arms. She waited until he grandparents had finished talking to Kayla
and Keirra before introducing Randy and Wade to her grandparents. They were happy to see Randy
as she predicted, and her grandparents found Wade adorable. He became the person of the hour,
but a short while later, they headed out of the house and loaded into Randy s truck.
Miraculously they all were able to fit and had a little room to spare. They decided to eat at Sam s
because it had a little bit of what everyone wanted. They were seated, orders were taken and the
pictures came out. Her grandparents began sharing the photos of their recent travels and funny
stories were spread around the table. Kristen sat back and watched her family. She loved times like
these because she didn t feel so alone. There were times she was starved for family. Not that her
sisters didn t count, but the pain of not having a mother and father made her cherish her surviving
grandparents even more.
She planned on talking to her grandparents about visiting and calling more often. Family was
important and having their surviving family near would help. It was another thing that hurt about
her breakup with Randy. If they had stayed together she knew they would have the family that she
always dreamed of.
 What are you thinking about?
She looked over at Randy when he spoke to her. The fact he always seemed to know when
something was on her mind was cute to her. He insisted her eyes always gave her away. She knew
that was true. It was something she inherited from her father. When she was a little girl she could
look into her father s eyes and know what he was thinking. Even the night he had been shot, he told
them he was okay, but she had been able to read the fear and the pain in his eyes. At the time, she
hadn t known what the expression in his eyes had meant, but in the end, she realized her father had
known he wasn t going to be with them much longer. It had been something she had never
forgotten. She looked up when Randy reached over and squeezed her hand.
 Whatever it is it is going to be okay.
She smiled at him and nodded.  You are right. It will be okay.
The last thing she wanted to do was ruin a happy occasion by thinking sad thoughts, so she turned
her attention back to her grandparents and laughed at her grandmother s reenactment of her
grandfather s run-in with a raccoon. It seemed her grandfather could move quicker than it looked.
Their food arrived, and they ate, and then it was their turn to share their stories of anything
interesting that occurred lately. Of course, the highlight of the subject was Keirra fighting her
attraction to Eric. Even Randy teased her until the point Keirra threatened to leave Baxley for good.
Everyone let up, but the conversation became serious the next time their grandmother spoke.
 Keirra, you shouldn t let what happened to your father get in the way of having a good healthy
Her grandmother leaned back in her chair and stared at Keirra.  Personally, I think your father
would have a fit if he knew you were acting like this.
Keirra went to deny the claim, but their grandmother interrupted.  Tell me this. Would you feel the
way you do about police officers if your father had lived?
The question made Keirra gasp with shock, but their grandmother continued on.  I hope your
answer would still be the same because the danger would still be there.
Kristen looked over at Randy. She knew the risk she was taking by dating an officer of the law, but
for some reason it didn t bother her. What scared her more was their relationship hadn t worked out
before because Randy hadn t had faith in her feelings for him. She looked at him across the table
and wondered if that had changed.
Chapter Twelve
Kristen leaned back and groaned in misery. She was miserable for two reasons. The first was she was
sitting at Sam s Café, and the second she had gorged herself.
 This is the last time we eat at Sam s . . . at least this year.
Kayla laughed then groaned.  Don t fool yourself. We have three months to go. There is no way we
will make it.
They both looked over at Keirra who was still eating. She was a slow eater. Sometimes it was a good
thing, and other times it was a bad thing. Right now, it was a bad thing because they had to sit in
Sam s for a longer time and stare at their food longer. Kristen took a last look at her herb stuffed
grilled chicken and pushed it away. Kayla did the same with her lasagna. Sure enough, she wasn t
able to help herself. She picked up her fork and took another bite of Keirra s Oriental Beef Stir Fry.
 Okay, now I m really done.
Kayla rubbed her stomach.  I ve gained ten pounds since I have been back.
Kristen shook her head.  Impossible. You look just fine. I doubt you have even gained two.
Kristen looked over at her sister. She had a healthy glow about her. They all did. Being back in
Baxley was good for all of them. Everybody looked relaxed and happy.
Kayla yawned.  So what time does the bonfire start?
Keirra sat up  Seven, and the dance will start when it s over.
Baxley High was playing Graham High, and it was an event that brought a large crowd. Everyone in
Baxley participated. Baxley and Graham could be considered archrivals, but it wasn t a serious issue. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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