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He watched as she bit her lower lip.
 Maybe just a little.
He smiled.  Don t be afraid. His seductive voice warmed her. Dee looked
deep in his eyes and she felt as though she were falling into a whirlpool. She
closed her eyes and took a calming breath. When she opened her eyes, he leaned
in and kissed her. Everything started spinning.
Dee felt something swirl inside her, a sensation she had never felt before. It
started in her brain and ended in her groin. Whoa, Nelly, she thought. She tried
to pull back, but he held on to her.
 Let me take you to lunch tomorrow? he asked.
 I have a lot of work to do.
He nodded, pulling her close again. He brushed his nose against hers, kissing
her gently on the lips.
 Good night, sweetheart.
When he released her, she was shaking all over. She heard someone say  Good
night and then realized it was her. She backed away from the car. He sat there
waiting for her to walk back into the building before he started the car. Inside the
Denise Skelton
lobby, she watched as his car drove away. As it did, she passed her fingers across
her lips.
6' 6' 6' 6'
Ben reached for his coffee cup. He took a sip and grimaced at the cold, bitter
taste. It had been four days since he had had dinner with Dee, and for the past
four days he had tried to get her to spend time with him. They talked on the
phone, but her schedule had made it impossible for them to get together. He
could scarcely think of anything else the way her voice sounded like music
when she laughed, the softness of her lips when he had kissed them. He could still
remember the delicate but intoxicating aroma of her perfume. His member
sprang to life with excitement, and he shifted in his chair trying to find comfort.
He d called Dee earlier asking if she could meet him for lunch, but she had said
she had a case that she was trying to finish and had given him a rain check.
The intercom came to life.  Mr. Harrison, Ms. Summers is on the line. He
drummed his fingers on his desk, watching the light on the phone. When she
didn t hang up after five minutes, he picked up the receiver.
 Hello, Janet.
 Hello, lover, she said, her voice sexy.  I ve missed you.
Sighing, he asked,  What do you want, Janet?
 I wanted to see if you re free later, maybe, we could get together?
He closed his eyes.  I have plans.
 Benjamin, we have a good thing going. Why are you trying to ruin it? Come
on, let me fix dinner for you.
Ben knew he should have talked to her about the night they had spent
together; he just hadn t known what to say. Today, however, he jumped right in.
 Janet, I m sorry about the other night, about what happened between us; it
should never have happened. He paused.  I don t want to send you the wrong
 No, I didn t get the wrong message.
 I think you did, he said, spinning his chair round to face the window.  Lis-
ten to me: we are not going to see each other again. I m sorry if that hurts you,
 Okay, if you can t see me tonight, I m not going to push you. How about
some other time?
 No, Janet.
She was quiet.
Denise Skelton
 I have to go, he said firmly.  Take care of yourself. He hung up before she
had a chance to say anything else. Turning back to the desk, he flipped through
his Rolodex. Picking up the phone, he punched in the numbers that he read off
the card.
 Hello? the man on the other end said. Ben identified himself, and then he
put his plan to work.
6' 6' 6' 6'
 What about the Saunders investigation? Do you know if Chris got that informa-
tion yet? Dee asked Liz, looking up from the notepad on her desk.
 Mm-hmm. She nodded as she pushed her glasses up.
 Okay, can you take care of those things on the list right away? Dee said.
 I will, Liz replied before leaving the office.
Rubbing her eyes, Dee looked at the phone, remembering her last call, in
which she had turned down another lunch invitation from Ben. She wanted to
spend more time with him, but she had a lot of work to do. Maybe it s for the best,
she thought. This is why I can t keep a man. Picking up the file on her desk, she
put it in her bag and then slipped the bag over her shoulder.  No sense worrying
about what could have been, she said aloud. Rising from her chair, she grabbed
the digital SLR camera, a mini tape recorder, and a camcorder. On her way down
the hall to the lobby, she called out to Kimmy,  Can you ask Chris to give me a
call when he gets in?
 Sure thing.
Dee opened the top draw of the file cabinet and took out a small tin box that
held the keys to the two company cars, which was empty.  Chris has the other
car, Kimmy said.
Dee walked outside, got in her car, and put the equipment and her jacket on
the back seat. She would have preferred not to take her own car on this assign-
ment and regretted lending Terry the company car. She hated taking her own car
on a stakeout; whenever she did, something always managed to happen to it. As
she drove, she shook her head from side to side and tapped on the steering wheel,
singing with the music. After going through a yellow light that was turning red,
she checked her rearview mirror for a police car. There were none, but she did [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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