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mage-all he-or his father, had ever hoped for, and far more than he could have
reasonably expected.
Yet& nothing was certain. War loomed with Gallos-and perhaps with Spidlar
and even Recluce. Jeslek was even more angry at Sterol, and Sterol was using
Cerryl against Jeslek, and Anya& well, Anya was playing an even deeper game,
and one Cerryl didn t understand the reasons for, only that she did play such
a game. Then, Myral, who had helped him in so many ways, was not in the best
of health.
Still& he was more secure, and more able, than ever before in his life. He
had a place and a chance at being what he could be, and a chance at happiness&
He turned.
 Very nice quarters. Leyladin stood in the open doorway, a broad smile on
her lips.
 I& just got them.
 I know. The bright green tunic and trousers shimmered, and she seemed
especially alive.
Cerryl studied the blonde young woman with red highlights in her hair,
taking in the dancing green eyes. He couldn t help smiling.
 I wanted to see your new quarters. She smiled back.
Perhaps more than a mere chance at happiness. He crossed the room and took
her hands.
After a moment, still smiling warmly, her green eyes melding into his gray
eyes, she tightened her fingers around his hands.
L. E. Modesitt, Jr., lives in Cedar City, Utah.
1 The Magic of Recluce
2 The Towers of the Sunset
3 The Magic Engineer
4 The Order War
5 The Death of Chaos
6 Fall of Angels
7 The Chaos Balance
8 The White Order
9 Colors of Chaos
10 Magi i of Cyandor
11 Scion of Cyandor
The Soprano Sorceress
The Spellsong War
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Darksong Rising
The Ecologic Envoy
The Ecolitan Operation
The Ecologic Secession
The Ecolitan Enigma
Dawn for a Distant Earth
The Silent Warrior
In Endless Twilight
Of Tangible Ghosts
The Ghost of the Revelator
The Timegod
Timediver s Dawn
The Hammer of Darkness
The Parafaith War
The Green Progression (with Bruce Scott Levinson)
Complete inner flap:
 Fascinating! A big, exciting novel of the battle between good and evil,
and the path between.
-Gordon R. Dickson on The Magic of Recluce
 Modesitt s logical structure of the interrelationship of order and chaos,
magic and technology, is one of the most thorough in modern fantasy. The
personal growth of his characters, and the depiction of their world, is
well-written and credible-and involves the reader.
-Voice of Youth Advocates
L.E. Modesitt s bestselling fantasy novels set in the world of Recluce are
among the most popular in contemporary fantasy. Rich in detail, Modesitt s
Recluce books are a feast of wondrous marvels. Booklist notes,  Modesitt s
elaborate and intelligent working out of a system of magic and a system of
technology parallel to it is becoming more the lifeblood of the Recluce books
with every new volume& his saga continues to gain in popularity.
The White Order is the story of Cerryl, a boy orphaned when the powerful
white mages killed his father to protect their control of the world s magic.
Cerryl, raised by his aunt and uncle, is a curious boy, attracted to mirrors
and books, though he is unable to read. When he is old enough, Cerryl is
apprenticed to the local miller. The miller s daughter teaches Cerryl to read
his father s books, and it seems that the talent for magic has been passed
from father to son. When Cerryl witnesses a white mage destroy a renegade
magician, the miller realizes the boy will not be safe there, so Cerryl must
be sent to the city of Fairhaven to find his destiny.
Thus Modesitt takes one of the most enduring and mythic themes in fantasy
and makes it his own. The White Order is a powerful new addition to the
Recluce saga, guaranteed to add many new readers to Modesitt s devoted
 In Modesitt s universe, where good and evil, chaos and order, are in
perpetual conflict, a young wizard finds that his destiny is to strike a
balance, but at considerable personal cost. Modesitt creates a deeper and more
intricate world with each volume.
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-Publishers Weekly on The Order War
 An exceptionally vivid secondary world.
-L. Sprague De Camp
L.E. MODESITT, JR., lives in Cedar City, Utah.
Jacket art by Darrell K. Sweet
Jacket design by Carol Russo
Distributed in the United States by
St. Martin s Press
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
Distributed in Canada by
H. B. Fenn and Company, Ltd.
Printed in the USA
From Back cover:
 I could not put it down. This is an outstanding fantasy tale.
-Andre Norton on The Towers of the Sunset
 This is a writer who cares about his characters and his world. This is
disciplined fantasy, not fluff. L. E. Modesitt, Jr., is uncompromising when it
comes to the effects of magic, both on the natural world and on the human
heart. There are no cheap solutions; to the problems of Recluce. Because of
that, it is a world worth returning to.
-Megan Lindholm
 Modesitt s many fans will enjoy this seventh entry in his Recluce series,
as will any reader who relishes intricate plotting, sympathetic characters and
action galore.
-Publishers Weekly on The Chaos Balance
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