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squeeze the perfect flesh.
Leigh’s arousal burned from deep inside, dying to find release. She couldn’t recall
the last time she’d wanted a man like this. Had she desired a man with such
wholehearted, out-of-her-head passion? No. Not until Craig.
She pressed one hand over his abs, felt the clear demarcation of well-formed
muscles. Her fingertips tingled. With the other hand, she slipped the dollar bill in the
waistband of his briefs. She was half tempted to pull the briefs down his legs. The other
part of her wanted to tease.
God, this was torment.
Ecstasy hovered out of reach, but she hoped to find it shortly within his embrace.
And oh, from the looks of him, she wouldn’t have long to wait.
His black briefs cupped an impressive, full erection that showed no doubt how much
he wanted to make love. Her attention stayed with his impressive anatomy.
“Take them off,” he whispered with rough, sensual demand.
Oh, yes.
She reached for the waistband, fingers actually trembling. “I’ve never undressed a
man like this.”
His eyes held a wealth of erotic heat, and yet she thought she saw vulnerability in
there, too. “A woman’s never undressed me.”
When she peeled his briefs downward and he kicked them aside, she stared with
shameless admiration. His cock was thick and long, the swollen length robust and sure to
please. She ached. Wanted. Desired that fullness inside her more than any physical need
she’d ever experienced. She had to get him inside her quickly.
The music stopped but he didn’t, turning until she saw his tattoo again, the violence
and decadence of it reminding her that she still didn’t know how or when he’d received
it. Then her gaze snagged on his world-class, impressive ass again, and the violent dragon
ceased to exist. Here was a man with a wealth of mystery, an amazing body and seductive
skills she never would have guessed.
“You are so hot,” she whispered as he turned back to her.
A wicked smile took over his mouth. “Thank you.” Once more he held out his hand.
“Dance with me.”
She complied, leaving her clothes on as she swayed in his arms. All along her body
his nakedness tantalized and teased. His cock a hard and ever-present reminder of what
he wanted. She groaned softly as his hands stole under her t-shirt to skim her ribs, to
palm her waist. He kissed her deeply, his tongue a relentless invader she welcomed.
Stroke after stroke fired the desire between her legs, and she grew hot and moist. She
wriggled, wanting that pressure closer, snuggling to find a neater fit.
His mouth found her ear, breathing hotly and sending shivers of desire through her
belly. She quaked with it, craved it.
“Please.” She almost whimpered the word.
He kissed her neck as his hands swept under her t-shirt and cupped one breast. She
gasped. As if understanding the torment going on inside her, she pulled her t-shirt over
her head and tossed it away. She reached for her jeans and within seconds drew them
down her legs and off, along with her underwear. She discarded her socks.
He dropped to his knees, his hands cupping her hips. And then she understood what
he wanted. He urged her to part her legs. He drew in her scent, and the sensual abandon
on his face heightened her desire to a pinpoint, the ache building to her womb.
As her hands buried in his short hair, his tongue swept into her folds.
Music rose as if on cue, throbbing and rich like her desire.
She gasped again, excitement darting from her aroused clit. Leigh closed her eyes
and sighed, falling into pure sensation as his tongue smoothed, feathered, caressed along
her outer lips. He tickled sensitive points, then dipped in between to thrust with quick
movements that mimicked cock into pussy.
Breathing hard as her arousal shot upward, she couldn’t stop words from rushing out.
“Please. Oh, God. Craig.”
The strain in her voice rose as she shimmied in his grip, tortured and pleased all at
once as his tongue once more fluttered over her clit. Just when she thought she couldn’t
take another moment, he sank two fingers deep inside her. She cried out at the exquisite
feeling. Her walls fluttered, pulsed around the intruders.
It was there. Right there.
For a second she stiffened, left in that terrible place where ecstasy hovered but would
never arrive.
“Craig,” she said in desperation.
“It’s okay.” His husky voice soothed. “Trust me.”
And she realized she really did.
She trusted him with her body.
With her life.
As he thrust his fingers in and out, his tongue bathed her clit with ever quickening
And with a bliss that echoed all the way to her heart, she fell straight in.
Orgasm flashed, caught fire, bore her up on a wave so high she cried out loudly. She
sobbed with it, carried along as he let her down from the top.
When she opened her eyes, he looked up at her. A man had never worshipped her on
his knees before, and the heady power in that moment drove her to ask for more.
“That was fuckin’ beautiful,” he said.
She made a soft laugh, a half broken, amazed sound. She didn’t know what to say at
first, stunned.
He smiled and stood.
Craig lifted her into his arms and she squealed in delight. Yeah, it was a supremely [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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