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homogeneous (adj) overlap (v) stress (n) symptom (n)
trait (n) trivial (adj) version (n) x-rays (n)
1. __________________ are not simply used to photograph broken bones but also to fight against
cancers within the body.
2. One big advantage of a word processor is that it allows you to check and then _________________
your work easily.
3. The first witness accused the defendant of murder, but the second witness gave a very different
__________________ of events.
4. These experiments may seem ____________________ but they are in fact extremely important.
5. Of all the countries in the world, Japan may well be the most ____________________ as the great
majority of its people are from the same race.
6. Heart disease can be caused by a bad diet (especially too much fat), inadequate exercise and too
much ____________________.
7. With the __________________ of new medical techniques, couples who were previously unable to
have children may now be able to start a family.
8. Headaches may just be the result of tiredness but can be a ____________________ of a more serious
9. Jealousy is one of the most unpleasant human ________________________.
10. She found physics easy because some of the course ____________________ with the maths she had
studied at school.
11. ____________________ can be defined simply as the study of life.
12. Two students had great difficulty in solving the equation, but luckily their tutor was able to
____________________ them.
© A&C Black Publishers Ltd 2007. For reference see Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 07475 6624 3).
Unit Five
5b  Choose the right word
In each of the sentences below, decide which word in bold is more suitable.
1. During the process known as photosynthesis, plants soak up / absorb CO2 and release oxygen.
2. So many contrary / unlike opinions were expressed that no agreement was possible.
3. The United Nations representative managed to secure / acquire agreement between the two sides
who had been fighting over an area of land rich in oil.
4. Although one of the prisoners refused to respond / answer to any questions, each of the others
made a full confession.
5. Adjectives (big, green), verbs (come, go), conjunctions (and, but) and prepositions (to, in, for) are all
categories / groups of words.
6. Divorce arouses such strong feelings that it is difficult to remain honest / objective and logical
about the best way to tackle this problem.
7. The opening of a new car factory stimulated / aroused the local economy and improved
employment possibilities.
8. When the government tried to implement / start new employment legislation, there was a general
9. During times of war, governments usually stop / suppress any newspaper reports which contain
bad news.
10. Examination candidates are not allowed to eat, drink, smoke or talk for the time / duration of
the examination.
11. The UK Government can decide to suspend / expel an overseas student who does not have a visa
and refuse permission for the student to return.
12. Of all recent inventions, it is perhaps the motor car which has transformed / modified our lives
more than anything else.
Don't forget to keep a record of the words and expressions that you have learnt, review
your notes from time to time and try to use new vocabulary items whenever possible.
© A&C Black Publishers Ltd 2007. For reference see Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 07475 6624 3).
Unit Five
5c  Finish the sentence
Choose the best ending for each of the sentence extracts below from the list underneath:
1. The European Union has insisted that all new aircraft incorporate&
2. In today's economy, full-time permanent jobs&
3. Most British students used to receive a grant&
4. The police officer denied&
5. At the end of a quotation, remember to put in parentheses&
6. Because the universe is so vast,&
7. The measurements taken by researchers must be accurate&
8. Religion has many aspects, one of which is to provide a code&
9. Although many elderly people retain&
10. At university, it is best to use a formal, impersonal style&
11. Some clothes can be made from synthetic&
12. Inside the hydrogen atom, there is one electron&
a. & otherwise the conclusions they come to will be useless.
b. & of conduct to show people how they should behave.
c. & that he had accepted money from any criminal group.
d. & moving around the proton at the centre.
e. & from the government to pay for costs such as rent, food and books.
f. & additional safety features.
g. & are disappearing to be replaced by part-time temporary employment.
h. & the author's name, the date and the page number: (Brown 1996:76).
i. & clear memories of their childhood, they may completely forget recent events.
j. & in your writing, and to avoid contractions such as 'isn't' and 'doesn't'.
k. & materials such as nylon as well as natural materials such as cotton.
l. & it is unlikely that man will be able travel to other galaxies.
Don't forget to keep a record of the words and expressions that you have learnt, review
your notes from time to time and try to use new vocabulary items whenever possible.
© A&C Black Publishers Ltd 2007. For reference see Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 07475 6624 3).
Unit Five
5d  Word substitution
From the list below, choose one word which could be used to replace the language shown in bold
without changing the meaning of the sentence. Remember that you may need to change the form
or in some cases the grammatical class of the word:
advocate (v) compound (n) contract (v) dictate (v)
graph (n) insist (v) preliminary (adj)
retard (v) subtle (adj) tiny (adj) transfer (v)
1. Those who support military service claim that it promotes discipline, while
opponents argue that such service disrupts young people's education.
2. Most metals shrink as they become cooler.
3. Although not all the votes have been counted, initial results suggest that
the President has won the election.
4. In spite of a massive advertising campaign, only a very small proportion of
consumers made a permanent change in their buying habits.
5. If you look at this second chart, you can see that unemployment has been
in decline for the past six years. __________________
6. Although the factory had to be closed, all the employees were relocated
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