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 Who is going? Point them out.
 Vee, leave it, Will said.
Addie escaped by going to get another plate of food she didn t want and then
struck up a conversation with Graham. Now she knew she was desperate.
Will knew he d made another mistake. Seeing Addie in that red dress made him
remember what had started off as one of the best nights of his life and how the woman
sitting next to him had ruined it. He d done the right thing going back to Vee after she d
told him she d taken an overdose, but why hadn t he taken Addie with him? Instead,
he d hurt her, and continued to hurt her. He didn t deserve her. She was sweet and kind
and too good for him, but he wanted another chance.
 Come and dance. Vee pulled at his arm.  I m not eating this rubbish. You can
take me for a meal afterwards.
 I don t want to dance and I don t want to take you for a meal.
 Just one dance, Will, Vee wheedled.  Please.
He let her pull him on to the crowded dance floor, his mind whirling with ways to
tell Addie about the baby. Would she understand? He d have to look after the child,
share custody. Could he ask her to accept that? Vee pushed him away in disgust after
he failed to make any effort to move. He watched her glancing back at him as she talked
to people. He guessed she was trying to find out if anyone knew who he d been
fucking. Will looked for Addie but he was too late. He couldn t find her.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
When Addie was sent to open the door at her mother s, Will was the last person she
expected to see. She froze, as though she d plunged into water pouring from a melting
 What are you doing here? Will demanded.
 Isn t that my line? she asked in confusion.
 The coach was supposed to leave an hour ago.
Now she understood.
 I m not going on a team-building course. There s no point.
 But I want you to come, Will said.  Please.
Addie groaned.
 Adelina? What are you doing? Your food s going cold. Tell them we believe in
Christmas and get back to the table.
 My mother thinks you re a Jehovah s Witness.
 I ll be anything you like if you come to Shropshire.
His fingers touched her hand and she drew away.
 You can t do this, Will. It isn t fair. You can t keep picking me up and throwing me
away again.
 Give me one more chance, Will said in a low voice.  I made a mistake. I thought I
was doing the right thing, but I wasn t. I want 
 Adelina, her mother called.
 Do you want me to talk to her? Will asked.
 No. How did you know where I was?
He straightened up and looked over her shoulder.
 Mrs. Winter, I m sorry to disturb you, but I needed to speak to Addie.
 We re eating. Her mother furrowed her brow.
 I m sorry, Will said.
 Come inside. Shut the door, Adelina. It s no wonder my gas bills are so high. Now,
who are you?
 Will Mansell. He offered his hand.  I m Addie s boss temporary boss, and our
sales team is attending a training course at a hotel in Shropshire. A place has become
available for Addie, but we need to leave immediately.
 Will Mansell. Will Mansell, Joan repeated.  Oh yes, I know about you. I ve met
your brother.
Addie s shoulders slumped and Will s eyebrows shot up.
 The coach is waiting. I er we  He ran out of power like an exhausted runner.
Her mother could make anyone quake.
 It can wait a bit longer. We re eating. Come and join us. Joan s eyes glittered.
Will followed Addie and her mother. When he walked into the dining room,
everyone turned. Will looked like an antelope invited to dine with a pride of lions. She
saw his eyes linger on Finn, and Will gave a little smile. She wondered why.
 Give Mr. Mansell your chair and get a stool, Joan told Addie.
 Call me Will.
 I thought your name was Noah, David sniggered.
 That was a private joke, Will said.
 Addie, introduce everyone, Joan snapped.
 That s my brother Finn, his wife Sally and their children Lucifer and Satan.
 Adelina, warned her mother.
 Trixie and Harry. My brother Hugh, his wife Miranda and their children Honey
and Richard, and you ve met the family pet. Addie glared at David, warning him with
her eyes not to cause trouble.
Addie was relieved when everyone was eating again. Will had his knee pressed
against hers under the table.
 This is delicious, Mrs. Winter, Will said.  The best Yorkshire pudding I ve ever
Addie wished she could have warned him. But then again&
 More? Joan picked up another with the tongs and put it on Will s plate.  More
stuffing, more potatoes?
 Thank you.
 Eat those Brussels spouts, Addie. Do you think I can t see them under the
Oh go on, humiliate me why don t you.
 Brussels sprouts look like giant boogies, Trixie announced.
 I don t want any. Honey pushed her plate away.
Joan glared at Addie.  See what you ve done.
 I like your Christmas tree, Will tried, and when Addie s mother glanced round,
he speared three sprouts from Addie s plate and stuffed them in his mouth.
And just like that, he was on the way to winning her back.
 I made the lantern, Honey said.  It s pink because it s Barbie s favorite color.
 It s very nice, Will said.
 Trixie made the star on the top, Honey said.
 And the mouse, Trixie added.  That s Daddy s angel and those green things are
supposed to be holly. He made those when he was a baby.
 There were chocolates too, but Richard ate five of them and threw up on Daddy s
shoes, so Grandma had to put the others at the top of the tree. Honey giggled.
 What did you make? Will asked Addie.
 A little felt stocking with a teddy in it.
 I threw that away. It fell apart, Joan said.
Addie looked at David s disintegrating icicle and knew her mother would never
throw that away. She felt Will s eyes follow her gaze. When she glanced at him, he
squeezed her knee.
 Ever been in trouble with the law, Will? Finn asked.
Addie gulped. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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