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continued over the murmured sighs of the lovers. His voice conveyed respectful awareness of his
guest s fascinated state while still offering instruction.
 The mouth is one of the primary doorways through which a human being experiences life. In
Beautiful Samurai, White Tiger
every stage, from infancy to adolescence, we connect with others largely through suckling, licking,
tasting, speaking. Satisfying this very primal human need allows one to relive all stages of
development and embrace one s completeness. I have retained this principle in my interpretation of
the path. As you can see, it s no less beautiful here.
Toshi worked to listen intently to what Kiku was saying, not an easy task now that his blood
circulation had begun to leave his brain and concentrate down below. The sound of heavy breathing
close by made him turn.
John was staring at the two men. His blue eyes were so wide, Toshi didn t know they could open
that much. A strange sheen covered them, making John appear to be in a trance state. John didn t
glance back, as if he didn t sense Toshi s gaze on him at all.
An uncomfortable sensation curled in Toshi s gut. However, not to appear rude, he turned his
attention back onto the demonstration.
 The scientific explanation for the importance of oral activity, Kiku went on,  is that it reminds
the psyche and the body of its adolescent stage of sexual development, a time when the body was
nearing its height of erotic capabilities and awakening to the need for pleasure. To concentrate
activity in the mouth stimulates these memories of youth and rejuvenates the mind and body.
However, kissing is only one crucial stage of the path.
As if to emphasize Kiku s narrative, Naoto pulled his lips from Koji s and kissed a sensuous trail
down his throat. Koji tilted his head back, eyes closed. A tiny smile curved his full lips.
Naoto bent his knees as his path moved lower on the slimmer man s body. His hands had slipped
from Koji s head and now encircled the slim muscles of his upper arms.
Naoto slowed his path of kisses, swirled the tip of his tongue in the hollow at the base of Koji s
throat and then, slipping his hands around to cradle Koji s back, tilted his lover s slender torso to
cover his chest with more kisses.
Naoto s hands slipped down Koji s arms as he knelt, coming to rest on his hips. Naoto then
dragged his tongue down the center of Koji s tight stomach. With his lips resting on Koji s navel,
Naoto pulled the string of Koji s loincloth, and the small white cloth dropped to the floor.
Toshi s breath caught in his throat.
So beautiful. So erotic, watching one man pleasure the other. Mere days ago, Toshi would have
shied away from watching such a thing, but now he watched, entranced, much the same way he had
so many years ago, rewinding that tape of Seven Samurai so that he could watch Toshiro Mifune
bathe in the river in only a loincloth. The same ache for freedom had squeezed his heart then as it
did now.
Koji s cock stood in a rigid upward curve from his slim body. His buttocks were perfect round
and strong and they fitted in Naoto s large hands as if they d been made for him.
Naoto feathered his tongue around Koji s belly button. Koji moaned softly, tilted his head back.
Sedonia Guillone
His hands laced into Naoto s long hair.
For a long time, Naoto feathered his tongue over his partner s stomach, tracing the lines of his
abdominal muscles. Koji s fingers worked in Naoto s hair, conveying the pleasure his lover gave
It seemed to be forever that Naoto smoothed his hands over Koji s buttocks, squeezing and
kneading them, before he let his touch slide around to his lover s front.
Even then, Naoto skated his hands up and down Koji s thighs, front and back, avoiding Koji's taut
cock. He caressed his lover, only brushing his fingertips over Koji s balls and the base of his cock.
Finally, Naoto lowered his face to the reddish-gold shaft and captured the plump head in his mouth.
Naoto rested his mouth on the head of Koji s cock. He slid his hands back around to Koji s bottom
and caressed him in the same reverent, tender way he d touched his lover s face and hair. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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