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went out.
 Way too long. McKenzie reached for the doughnut box and opened it. Kimberley was
way too excited about this, and it was making McKenzie nervous. She didn t want to divulge
everything. After all, Kim was the one who d mentioned to her, offhand one day, that Sin s
Door was a meat market. The way she d said it left no room for interpretation of her feelings
on the place. She found the place repulsive and vile. No questions.
Kim chose a custard-filled pastry that she immediately ignored as she crossed her arms
on the table and regarded McKenzie.  Spill it, sister. And don t leave stuff out. I ll know.
 I m not one of your first graders. You can t bully me into submission or guilt me into
telling you everything.
Eyebrows raised.  I do not bully my class. And what exactly don t you want to tell me?
Is he married? Underage? Your cousin?
 No! Geez, Kim! No! Look, I met& him& at a club. Okay. It was sorta a strangers in the
night thing. One night stand.
 And you brought him back here? That was dumb.
And that was it. Kim pulled over one of the newspapers and opened to the want ads.
McKenzie stared at her, stunned by her sudden divorcement from the topic. It was unusual,
but McKenzie definitely wouldn t look a gift horse in the mouth. She pulled out a glazed
doughnut and took a bite.
She should have known better. Kim circled two prospective jobs then asked,  What
McKenzie tried for a nonchalant shrug.  Just one over on Lake Drive.
Kim s gaze shot up.  There s only one place on Lake. Her eyes narrowed.  Tell me you
didn t.
What was she? Twelve? She d grown out of lectures years ago.
 Don t roll your eyes at me, Kim grated in her best school teacher voice.  At least, tell
me you were safe.
 Of course, I was.
 You went to that club and then brought the guy home. I don t think there s any  of
course about it. Look. Kenz. I just want you to be safe.
 I was. I am.
 Can I ask you about this then? She lifted the note from Gareth that McKenzie must
have left on the table.  Nice name. Gareth. What does he mean by  we and  us ? Please tell
me he has some sort of royalty complex.
Fuck this was like pulling off a bandage one hair at a time.  There were two of them.
Two men.
Her friend went a little white, but McKenzie didn t miss the tiny flare of interest in her
eyes. Straight-lace Kimberley was too refined to ask details or give the subject air time, even
for disapproval.
She closed the newspaper.  Personally, I think these ads will be useless.
Enter whiplash topic change girl.
 Okay. Then let s forget it and just eat breakfast and have our unusually nice coffee.
 I mean, there s an opening at the school. It s not advertised. You can probably get a
jump on it. It s sixth grade language arts I know you d like that, though why I can t
 Then let s pull out my resume. I ll add the latest, and it s good to go.
 It s not that easy. They ll check your background, Kenz. And your current activities.
You cannot go back to Sin s Door. Promise me!
McKenzie s stomach dropped, and she knew she couldn t promise any such thing. She
stared right at Kimberley and did something she d never thought she d do&
 Okay, she lied.  I promise.
Chapter Four
Kimberley left McKenzie s at eleven, and the thunderstorms rolled in at noon. Around
one, she lost power. It didn t surprise McKenzie. This shoreline area often lost their service
during bad weather, and sometimes it was days before the electricity was restored.
While it was an inconvenience, she didn t worry overly much about it. Late in the
afternoon, she took a diet cola, a sandwich and the newspapers out to the porch where she
could enjoy the storm. The construction of the screened-in enclosure made it an ideal spot to
hear the rain and feel the air moving without getting wet or battered. Fat candles in
hurricanes were scattered around the area, and she lit them since it was getting darker. Soon
her haven was cast in a golden glow. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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