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It made him feel stupid, so he opted to browse the front windows as quickly as possible
while calling out to her. He breezed around the nearest corner taking long, quick
Maura! Where are you? Every nationality seemed to be represented on the streets of
London. Some browsed slowly, making him impatient to get around them, without
knocking someone down. He hadn t realized what a modern New Yorker he had
No gothic-looking shops and no answer to his telepathic communication quickly
led to frustration and alarm. Throwing in the towel, he stopped a young woman who
seemed to be dressed in what he d call classic European casual. What Americans would
call business casual clothing.
 Excuse me. Do you know of any gothic clothing stores in the area?
She looked at him as if he were a shit statue, turned up her nose and walked on
without answering.
What the hell? He thought that only happened in New York. Now he knew why he
never asked for directions.
Continuing on what felt like a fruitless search, he wondered if Maura could have
left London. Maybe she had come to her senses and gone home. Deep in his gut he
doubted that& not that she had no sense, but he knew she wouldn t give up on him.
Maura? I m here. Tell me where to find you!
The faintest sound echoed in the distance. He thought he heard his name. Adrian
stopped suddenly and listened. A shopper, apparently not paying attention, plowed
right into him, knocking him off the sidewalk.
 Oh, terribly sorry, the girl said.
When he righted himself, he noticed she was dressed in some sort of  punk style.
 No problem. He was torn as to whether or not he should ask this young woman
about the Goth shop or stand there and listen for another cry. Bloody hell. He d do both
if it would help him find Maura.
 Perhaps you can help me find a shop I m looking for?
 After almost pushing you into a bus? Of course.
Vampire Vintage
 I don t know the name of it, but it s supposed to be around here somewhere. They
sell gothic clothing.
The girl raised her eyebrows and took a long look at him. He was, of course,
wearing all black. Boots, leather pants, a long, unbuttoned trench coat and black dress
shirt beneath. His hair was slicked back and held with a black rubber band.
 Oh, I think I know the place you re looking for. It s not around here though. You ll
find it in Paddington.
 Paddington. Adrian had heard of Paddington bears. The New York toy stores
were full of them one year. He could picture those cute, cuddly teddy bears wearing
yellow raincoats and hats in store windows, but didn t have the faintest idea where
Paddington was.
 How do I get there?
 The tube goes to it. There s a station there. She pointed to the familiar metro sign
less than a block away.
 Thank you.
So he had to ride the subway after all. If he heard her call again on the way to
Paddington station, he d just have to get off as quickly as he could and hope she d keep
it up so he could follow her voice. One more try. Maura? Mauraaaa!
No sound greeted his inner consciousness and the only noise his ears picked up
were the sounds of the city. Traffic. People. The occasional blare of a horn.
Adrian hoofed it down the stairs to the subway. A quick glance at the map showed
the way to Paddington station. There didn t appear to be many stops on the map
between where he was now and his destination. Thank the Gods.
He boarded the right car and waited to be whisked away to Paddington, where
he d hopefully find a clue as to Maura s whereabouts. Perhaps while there he d pick up
one of those cute bears for her. She could hug it in his stead until he could return to her.
If he could return.
An uneasy feeling came over him as the train pulled away. No matter how he tried,
he couldn t shake it. Perhaps he was heading in the wrong direction? Too late now.
He d just have to keep going and hope for the best.
As the train pulled into Paddington station, he barely heard it, but he could have
sworn she called his name again. This time the timbre was different more urgent.
He charged up the stairs, expecting to see shops with fuzzy, adorable teddy bears in
the windows, but instead he found himself in the red-light district. Dark streets,
abandoned-looking brick buildings. Women dressed like hookers. Maura definitely
didn t belong in this environment. Bloody hell. Maybe she came here and something
terrible happened to her!
No, he had heard her. She was alive somewhere and calling for him. Damn it,
Maura, where are you?
Adrian, if you re& London& river!
Ashlyn Chase
At last he heard her a little more clearly. Not every word, but enough. The river, it
had to be the Thames.
He spotted the closest person and ran over to her. The woman, wearing a very short
animal print dress and fishnets, leaned against a streetlamp.
 Excuse me.
She turned and smiled, eyeing him as if he were her next john.  You want a date,
 No, ma am. I m just looking for directions. Where can I find the nearest bridge
across the river?
She crossed her arms.  It ll cost you.
 How much?
 Twenty pounds. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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